_FEBRUARY 6, 1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I7 ADELAIDE DANIELS SAYS " Confessions of a Diet Tramp Diet Tramp, that was me, drifting from diet to diet. The sad sack of the culinary community. I was great on hand-outs. When they handed out the snacks at parties, where was my hand? In the food bowl, of course! Usually both hands. When they handed out samples in the supermarket, guess who was in the front line eating? Good old D.T. I beat track records to get to those free handouts. Mind you, as the weight piled on my agility certainly lessened, but I always had the satisfaction of cleaning out the snack bowl at a party, and I never missed the samples, Sometimes I'd stand, there so sad-eyed, the demonstrator would open another packet to get rid _ of me. Between all this snacking, I found time to diet. I told you I was a Diet Tramp, didn't 1? I tramped to the diet where you eat all that grapefruit, bacon and eggs, but in the middle of that one along came the dict where you drink lots of water for "instant thin". 1 tramped over to that one and darned near drained a lake dry. The doctor had to dry me out and he really got mad. He told me if I didn't give up all these so-called "miracle" diets it would be a miracle if my consti- tution survived. Something my doctor said made sense to me; it was the way he kept repeating the word "nutrition". Nutrition was not in my previous diets. I'd been so busy looking for every "get-thin-quick" scheme along the way that T had forgotten the body needs food as fuel for energy, not just to fill a gap. I had forgotten it needs protein, vita- mins and minerals to repair cells, build and maintain muscles, and sensible nutrition to perform at peak during a long, healthy life. I'm glad my doctor rescued me from tramping in search of the per- fect diet. The only perfect dict is sensible cating; maximum nutrition combined with minimum calories. ] I threw out my tramping shoes, and my family tell me I've never looked better. 1 love "em. Adelaide Daniels is the creator of the Canadian Family Meal Plan and author of the best seller, Adelaide Daniels Weight Watching Cookery. LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING LEAGUE standings as of January 30th: Hippies 136%; Ho Boes I27%; Tornados I27; Gems II%%; Alley Cats I05%; Hurricanes I04. Games over 200: P. Buck 210, 224; A. Treodd 245; L. Fournier 2I0; E. Boutilier 2I9, 218; J. Hall 200; S. Dakin 236; L. Mercure 207; J. Greenwood 2I4; A. Daley 245; A. McKie 211; D. Garvin 265; M. Reid 255. GUIDES AND BROWNIES MEETING The January meeting of the Local Associa- tion to Guides and Brownies was held-ir the * Community Church basement with I6 members present. President, Mrs. G. Moore opened the meeting with the Guide prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by secretary Mrs. A. McKie. : Mrs. Elenor Pollard reported that the Licorice All Sorts Blitz was a great success realizing a profit of $125.99. Eleanor and her committee are commended for a job well done. Plans were discussed for the up coming Mother and Daughter banquet. Due to the rise in prices, most mothers were in favour of hav -ing a pot luck supper at the Legion Hall. With a great deal of help from Legion Lad- ies Auxiliary and Mrs. Barb Wise and her com- mittee the supper will take place February 21st. Beginning February 25th the regular monthly meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m. instead of 8:30 p.m. . Hostesses for the next meeting will be Mrs. M. Moher and Mrs. B. Stachiw. The meeting was adjourned and a lovely lunch was served by E. Pollard and V. Kostiuk. MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE ; Standings as of January 28th: 59'ers 2I0%; - Buckles I87; Wills I83%; Burton I59%; Whent 155%; Olde Timers I29; Fireballs II9; Birch 115. Congratulations go to Kay Furyk 307; Wally Cameron 3I0 and Danny Imbeault 300. Games over 200: Dora Garvin 216; A. Daley 216; L. Fournier 203, 228; M. Fummerton 248; G. Birch 227; W. Cameron 216; D. Imbeault 225; A. Jean 2I8; P. Burton 2I8; B. Tilbury 2II; S. Reid 250; P. Buck 222; J. Mooney 202; A. Stortini 224; P. Buso 220; Jim Figliomeni 234; 217, 249; C. Commisso 2I0; M. Smilsky 212: J. Imbeault 204, 216; M. Jean 220; J. Cameron 217; L. Figliomeni 249; Joe Figliomeni 207; C. Buck 234, 264; K. May 20I; L. Imbeault 200. Civilization They say that civilization can bring about some pretty crazy things. That guy over there left his air conditioned office at five, drove his air conditioned car over to his air conditioned club - to take a steam bath!