NOVEMBER 2I, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I5 Rebekah Lodge - continued Mrs. Beth Macadam, the general convener, was assisted in the kitchen by Mrs. Annie Nie- mi and Mrs. Eirene Harness. The Touch and Take counter was managed by Mrs. Norma Fummerton and Mrs. Edith Ibey. Mrs. Agnes Bryson sold draw tickets and Mrs. Helen Wallace was cashier. Members of Ruby Rebekah Lodge, at their November I4th meeting, were asked to bring Christmas wrapping supplies - paper, seals, cards, etc., to their meeting on November 28th to be used as Penny auction prizes. The CPT Humanitarian committee announced plans for a penny auction in December, the date to be set later. Mrs. Eirene Harness after reporting on kit- chen cupboard supplies was authorized to pur- chase cups and saucers to replenish them. Mrs. Gladys Hamilton gave a detailed report of the Assembly Sessions which she had attend- ed. ' The Terrace Bay members will convene the Christmas penny auction. Mrs. Hamilton acted as Noble Grand, in the absence of Mrs. Lil Harris, ill in hospital and Mrs. Mavis Slater as Vice=-Grand. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING At their November meeting, members of the Schreiber Women's Institute told why they were proud and happy to be Canadians and an- swered the roll call by donating pictures and clippings for.the Tweedsmuir Books. The Books were displayed by Mrs. Anne Todesco who pre- sided for the meeting. : Among current events related it was report- ed Mrs. Ellen Gerow formerly of Schreiber and now at Pinewood Court was the Silver Cross Mother in the Remembrance Day Service in Thunder Bay. Minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs. Winnie Clemens and the financial report given by Mrs. Norma Fummerton. Tickets are on sale for a money draw to be held at the December meeting. Letters were read from Mrs. P. Dzioba and her daughter Susanne former members now liv- ing in White River. An invitation was received to attend a workshop on 'Medication' being held on 'Novem- ber 2Ist in the Faculty of Education Building Lakehead University. Information was received for the Home Econ- omist regarding Summary Days on the 'Ceral Shelf Programs'. cont'd 'page T7300 Des Ld COMPANY UNITS & DEMONSTRATOR SALE 1) Balance of GM Warranty 2) Full 90 Day Power Train Warranty 1973 CHEV IMPALA 4 door - 350 - 4 bbl. V-8 vinyl roof, tinted w/s, power steering and brakes body side mouldings, rear defogger, remote mirror block heater, wheel cov- ers, radio, Color: Dark Brown with black cloth interior. Stock #30II New Price $53I6.NOW $3995. i bumper impact Brown/White interior. Stock #3400 1973 PARISIENNE BROUGHAM 4 door - 400 - 2 bbl. V-8 tinted w/s, power steering ith neutral New Price $5355. 1973 GMC 1/2 TON 6 cyl. - below eye line mirrors, block heater, G78xI5 ON/OFF road tires, low mileage, brand new factory block (approx. 400 m) License E3I390 NOW $2795. NOW $3995. ALSO Oldsmobile & Buick Demonstrators. DROP IN AND SAVE AT wemenee Opadoni Bros. Limited If the answer is yes, do you have a CAMPER KAP? Protect your belongings in the winter with a KAP on the truck. Pat ALL SIZES & PRICES TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! Schreiber Call Larry 824-2043 824-2304