JA TERRACE BAY NEWS Vol 15 No. 8 Februay 24 1972 15¢ PER COPY LEGION 4TH ANNUAL SNOWMOBILE RACES On Februay 12, in conjunction with the Winter Carnival, the Royal Canadian Legion held their snow= machine races. It was a very successful day with a large crowd of spectators for all events. Many snow machiners were out on the course to watch the very exciting country race. Mrs. Ethel Boyd as Chairman of the races is cong- ratulated on the fine job done, as well as Joe Des- aulnier who was responsible for the cross country trail . Also Labatts who provided trophies for the winners and all the firms who donated pri zes are to be congratulated. Their assistance along with the many people who helped in so many ways made the day possible. The Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion did a wonderful job in providing meals from noon on at the Legion Hall and the Masonic Hall. The winners of the races were as follows: Cross Country: Ist = Danny Godin - Trophy and $150 2nd - lan McAdam - Set of glasses and $75. 3rd = C.L. Borbeau - Set of glasses and $40. 20 H.P. and under class = C. Yates - Case of oil and $50. Track Races: Ist = Rose Anne Fortier - Nipigon, Labatt's Trophy and Cash. 2nd = Lorraine Desaulnier = Set of glasses and Cash 3rd - Shirley Simpson = Thunder Bay - Set of glasses and cash. Second Race: 1st = Jon MacDonald - Trophy and Cash 2nd - Clarence Yates - Set of glasses and cash 3rd = W. Roen = Set of glasses and cash Third Race: 1st = C. Picard = Nipigon, Trophy, cash and Helmet 2nd = N. Bottomley - Set of glasses;cash and case of oil 3rd - Roddy Larson - Set of glasses and cash Fourth Race: Ist = Jerry Manuel -Marathon, Trophy, cash and case of oil. 2nd - Leo Chabot, Set of glasses and cash 3rd = C. Borbeau - Set of glasses and cash Photo left to right: Mrs. Boyd, Dan Godin, and M. McFadden. Next page: First Photo "Cross Country Race Begins" More photos next page .