PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 25, 1971 Appointment = cont'd from page 3 ...... Hygiene of the University of Toronto. She joined the Thunder Bay District Health Unit in July 1970. Her father, Jack Pickersgill is presently President of the Canadian Transport Commission - formerly Minister of Transport. : Ladies Auxiliary - cont'd from page 2 cesene = A cheque is fo be sent to Deer Lodge Hospital ary GAS-LINE for their Christmas Tree fund. Eon « ANTI-FREEZE Mrs. P. Jones, (very active Busy Bee) will be 1 oO looking after the purchase of wool for knitting var- y | SPECIAL! (assistant Busy Bee) is asking for pieces of leather and short zippers. Representatives for the Community Winter Car- nival are Mrs. D. Boyd, Jr., and Mrs. C. Bougie The Christmas decorations committee are Mrs. G. Churney, Mrs. W. Megraw and Mrs. J. Clancy. A sincere thank you was expressed to Comrade John Falzetta, who faithfully every year consents to take his chances in coming to an all female meeting, and taking over the nominations for a new ious articles for the 1972 bazaar. Mrs. P. Coupal (an A. Radiator sealer Fors... Lh Be Die oe slate of officers and various committees for the B Bumper Guard Yo 8-Water pymp lube 78, ensuing year. These 1972 officers will be announc- C. Radiator flush - 15-02. H. Aerosol ignition spray ed by the new Publicity Officer after the installation or ape PBR SR BY io be held on December 10th, at 7 p.m. , D instens Traction ie git 4 Windshield prey. eresr The highlight of the December meeting will be E. 1%-0z Lock de-icer. K. "Vox" windshield de-icer an exchange of gifts, valued at $1.50. The Pot 1602: leis a2 of Gold was won by Mrs. G. Calder. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. McKechnie, Mrs. 4 | Pp IL Rosemary Thorpe and Mrs. Yvonne LeClair. TREATMENT Cleans, revitalizes engines. C .W.L. MEETING The monthly meeting of St. Martin of Tours Je ¢ Catholic Women's League was held on November 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. The president, Mrs. G. Dashkew ytch opened the meeting with EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CAR League Prayers. Mrs. C. Kettle led the ladies in a decade of the rosary. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, followed by the °f 205 Walker St., Schreiber Peter Speziale, 824-2351 correspondence and treasurer's report. Store Hours Church Life Convener, Mrs. Kettle, read a poem Monday thru Saturday - 9:00 entitled "They Shall Be Comforted" and suggested a.m. to 6:00 p.m. that a Penitenial Service be held again this year. \ Friday evenings - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ey Mrs. G. Ramsay reported a membership of 107 ladies. continued page 5........