ABRIL 28, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 21 -PRIEST INSTALLS NEW CWL OFFICERS Mrs. Irene Moorey presided for the regular April meeting of" the Catholic Women's League, with Mrs. Claire Power read- ing the scripture passage: The "minutes and treasurer's report were adopted as read by Mrs. Helen Stokes and Mrs. Rena Ross. In the correspondence, read by Mrs. Rita McGrath, was a thank-you note from Very Rev. J. M. Cano--of Thunder Bay and another from the Sisters of St. Joseph, North Bay, for a donation to the mission in South America. A donation was made to the Canadian Cancer Society. The president thanked members for their work and contributions to the tea and penny auction on March 17. She asked that they contrib- ute good used toys to Mrs. Georgie Cebrario to be given to the Association for the Re- tarded. Annual reports were present- ed by standing conveners: Mrs. Claire Power (spiritual) who reminded members of the mass on April 26 in honor of Our Lady of Good Council; Mrs. Penny Caccamo (organization and membership); Mrs. Lillian Gagnon (Christian family life); Mrs. Irene Borutski (social action); Mrs. Teresa Power (economics and civies) and . Mrs. Helen Stokes (church life). Members were reminded of the diocesan convention being held in St. Margaret's parish in Thunder Bay May 10-12. Mrs. Moorey thanked the league for their support dur- ing her term in office and then asked Rev. O'Flaherty (reliev- ing priest in the parish) to in- stall the new officers for the year. They include--Mrs. Rita McGrath, president, Mrs. Lil- lian Gagnon, first vicerpresid- ent; Mrs. Claire Power, second vice-president; Mrs. Joanne Webb, third, vice-president; Mrs. Helen Stokes, recording secretary; Mrs. Teresa Stortini, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Rena Ross, tréasurer. Mrs. McGrath paid tribute to Mrs. : Moorey and her slate who had completed such a suc- cessful year. © Mrs. Peggy Helmink, guest speaker, showed the film "Our Responsibility"" and spoke' on the work of the Association for the Mentally Retarded. Mrs. Helmink was presented with a donation toward the work. P.C.'S SUPPORT F.V, HARNESS F. V. Harness of Schreiber was elected president of the Pro- gressive Conservative Thunder Bay riding Association at. their annual meeting held in Nipi- gon. ; Others elected to office were -- Jim Goulding, Nipigon, first vice-president; Mrs. Hilda Holm, Geraldton, second vice- president; Stew art Brydges, Geraldton, third vice-president; Ray Pitkanen, Schreiber, sec- retary - treasurer; R. B. Spa- doni, Schreiber, and Toi Sep- pala, Rossport, auditors. Eric Rutherford, Beardmore is the immediate past president and the honorary presidents are Eino Peterson, Nakina; Harvey Smith, Thunder Bay; and Toi Seppala, Rossport. Mr. Rutherford who presided for the first part of the meet- ing, asked first, for a moment's silence in memory of the late J. D. (Jack) Phillips, in tribute to his devotion, loyalty, and service to the Conservative party. Mr. Rutherford expressed his pride and appreciation of the _ sound support . given by the members from - Northwest- ern Ontario at the recent lead- ership convention in Toronto. He also asked for a vote of appreciation to the committee which had made such excellent arrangemnents for the dinner meeting and dance which un- fortunately had to be cancelled. But he hoped the event can be arranged again and that they will act again, Al Harvey Smith made a sug- gestion which was favorably considered hy the members; that _Atikokan and Dryden areas, and White River, be of- fered representation, since they are part of the Thunder Bay riding for Federal purposes. . Lorne Colpitts of Thunder Bay gave a most interesting address, mentioning first the Strong impact on the leader- .ship convention by the contin- gent from Northwestern On- tario, the group including three riding presidents. He listed some points which he considers a weakness in oth- er political parties and where the Progressive Conservatives differ. . The PC party is one whose -aims and objectives can move with the times, he said, but whose concern is unchanged re- garding the individual's basic freedoms, . and, the rewarding of individual initiative. A recent poll, said Mr. Col- pitts, showed 44 per cent of the popular vote favored the Pro- gressive Conservative party. "Our party," he said, "is not just a colléction of principles but a deep involvement with people, headed by leaders who will" listen." "The PC Party wants -no si- lent majority, and, at last," he added with a smile, '"North- westerfi Ontario has become 2 very vocal area." Mr. Harness then took over 'the chair, thanking the mem- bers for the honor paid him and assuring them that he will try hard indeed to discharge his duty. To a suggestion that the presi-- 'dent and secretary respond te a call from a riding committee Mr. Harness said he felt this could be arranged and would be happy to go. A notice of motion, to have a per capita or percentage of dis- trict committee dues placed in the riding treasury, was place ed on the agenda for the next meeting. . : It was the largest attend- ance, for some time, at an annual meeting, a certain indi- cation of increased interest in - party affairs, and the discus- sions were varied and lively. Photo Below ~ Ray Pitkanen, F.V. Harness, Eric Rutherford, Back - Stewart Bridges, Eino Peterson, Mrs, Hilda Holm, Toi Seppala, Jim Goulding and Lorne Colpitts. : ROSSPORT TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs, Dick Richards and baby of Fort William spent Esster Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Gerow. Peter Legault has returned to Port Arthur after spending the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Legault, Mrs. Josephine Gerow of Thunder Bay spent Faster weekend with her family in Rossport. Mr. and Mrs. M, Hubelit, Miss Maxine Hubelit and Miss Shirley Bouchard spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs, Lionel Hube- 1it in Wawa, Ont. The Light-Keeper, J. Joiner and his assistant W. Hubelit, left Saturday for the shipping season on Battle Island. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lorentz of St, Clements, Ont. are visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, B, O'Hagan. Rev, Father Meyer held services on Easter Sunday. Follow=- ing Mass the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. OtHagan was baptized, The baby was named Sean Brian and Godparents were Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Glowsckeshie, - Continued on Page 22 .ceee