TERRACE BAY NEWS Vol, 14 No. 10 Serving the District March 11, 1971 TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL EVENING CLASSES ST. MARTIN'S SPONSORS PUBLIC SPEAKING Another session or two,and all four of the evening classes that have been in operation at the Terrace Bay High School will come to a close for this winter. Attendance has been very good and an increase in certificates of accomplishment will be issued shortly. It is gratifying fo see an increase in subjects offered and better use of the school facilities each year. So much is said about the cost of education, but where day students and adult students can con- tinue to learn, update themselves and increase their use of leisure time by developing individual talents, the taxpayers cost becomes justified. There is still room, facilities and instructors for additional courses that can be offered next fall and it is our hope that the best possible use may be made of the school plant. If you have suggestions, let them be heard. Group together and inform the High School Admin- istration of your wishes and everything possible will be done to insure that your requests will be fulfilled. Initial courses in typewriting and welding being completed in the last couple of years should justify advance courses in these areas. Next fall sign up early and we can get these as well as many other courses off to an early start. ul See photos page 17 secs cves See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. St. Martin's Separate School held a Public Spea- king Contest recently in the Church Hall. Pupils from Grades 2 to 8 showed excellent form, both in their choice of topics and their delivery. Mr. Michael Anderson, principal, welcomed the! parents and visitors and introduced the judges, who had a difficult task set for them in judging the win- ners. The judges were Mrs. Connie Cvitkovich, Mr. Bill Houston and Mr. Don Briscoe, principal of the Public School. Time keeper was Mr. John St.Amand. Halfway through the contest, the judges retired to deliberate on the speakers thus far and Mr. Ander- son showed three very interesting films. The contest then resumed. The finalists in each grade were presented with a trophy by Mr. George Ramsay, on behalf of the Schreiber-Terrace Bay Roman Catholic Separate School Board. The other competitors were also a- warded a prize. Contestants = Grade 2 = Lesley Anderson, Gwenn Melnyk and Angie Stortini; Grade 3 ~ Laura Cacca- mo, Gilda Pedersen and Siobhan Anderson; Grade - 4 - Lisa Kenney, Jimmy Mitchell and Didgnne Mala- shewski; Grade 5 = Cathy Belliveau, David Lapen- skie and Kelley Ann Chesley; Grade 6 = Judy Zwaresh, Debbie Johnson and Leigh Anne McBride; Grade 7 = Nicky Chopty, Sharon Dobush and Jane Anne Doyle ; Grade 8 = Debbie Kujbida, Cindy Waghorn and Mary Pat Ramsay, went on to take part in the Knights of Columbus Public speaking held in Schreiber, between Holy Angels and Terrace Bay. Members of the teaching stafff of St. Martin's served lunch. See photos on page 15 .....