a mm JANUARY 28, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 SHOWER HONOURS MRS. BART CEBRARIO A recent bride, Mrs. Bart Cebrario, nee Diane Paulsen, was honoured at a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. T. Latour on Sunday evening. Seated in a decorated chair, the guest of honour received many beautiful gifts placed in a decorated basket . Co-hostesses were Mrs. Peter Romaniuk and Mrs. Jim Figliomeni . Mrs. Sherry McDonald was the guest of honour at a baby shower held at the home of Mrs. Ray Theriault. Mrs. Wayne Young was co-hostess. Sherry was the recipient of many lovely gifts for her expected arrival. SENIOR CITIZENS HONOURED AT LUNCHEON A Friendship Luncheon, sponsqred by the After- noon Group of the Ladies Auxiliary, was held in the Community Church on Monday, January 18th, at 1:00 p.m. Guests included retired citizens, older but still active persons and others = Special guests were Rev. and Mrs. A. Chabot of Marathon, Rev. and Mrs. E.C. Prinselaar, Schreiber and Rev. and Mrs. P. McKague, Terrace Bay. In charge of arrangements for the Pot Luck Lun- cheon were Mesdames June Schritt, Alice Farrow and Lil Harris. Those who donated casseroles, salads and desserts, drove guests to the Church, helped serve and do the dishes are too numerous to mention, but the success of the party was due to everyone who took part. Mrs. Schritt welcomed all the guests and asked Reverend McKague - continued next column = @ OG == FOR EATING OUT PLEASURE SCHREIBER HOTEL RESTAURANT OPEN DAILY 6A.M. to 8P.M. SUNDAYS == ==> SCHREIBER CURLING CLUB == MIN M:CUAIG TROPHY °° MIXED BONSPIEL FEBRUARY 5,6,7, 1971 3 EVENTS FIRST 32 RINKS ACCEPTED ENTRY FEE $20. RINK PRIZES ENTRY DEADLINE FEB.1,1971 MAIL ENTRIES TO: BRIAN BIRCH, BOX 367, SCHREIBER, ONTARIO. & TELEPHONE 824-754 == to say grace. After enjoying a gourmet meal, Mrs. S. Boyd, Sr. spoke on behalf of all the guests in thanking the ladies for their thoughtfulness in planning such an enjoyable afternoon. Mr. Bill Baillie mentioned that the Recreation Director, Jerry Dupas, had sent greetings and re- minded the retired people of the Craft Room which has been opened at the Recreation Centre, where a games room has been set up for them to enjoy in their leisure hours. Reeve W.E. Cavanaugh also expressed his appre- ciation on behalf of himself and Mrs. Cavanaugh and the entire assembly. Everyone was asked to stand up and introduce them- selves, after which a sing-song took place, with Mrs. Jean Roberts at the piano. Two door prizes were drawn for, with the ladies going to Mrs. F. Ginn and the men's to Mr. Black. Pictures by Mrs. M. Lundberg on page 8. First Picture = Standing Left to Right = Mrs. M. Baillie, Mr. W. Baillie, Mrs. E. Haughn, Mrs. S. Cruikshank, Mr. F. Ginn, Mrs. M. Chadwell, Mr. W. Dorning, E. Cavanaugh, Mr. Black, Mr. J. Mar- 9A.M. to 8 P.M. cella Sr. Continued on Page 8 «ote a of