DECEMBER 11, 1969 Consumer Facts -- cont'd from p.16 consumer" information on file. However, CAC has not found this to be en- tirely true. In a Canada-wide sur- | very, conducted by CAC members anonymously, there was a wide range of attitudes by credit bur- eaus when individuals approached them on ques- tions of privacy. Some bureaus were willing to show credit files, others flatly refused to give information about an in- dividual's file even after proper identification. -- One required a $2.50 fee for examination of the file only if credit had been refused by a partic- ular firm. In credit areas, a married woman must assume the credit rating of her husband and cannot see her credit rating file unless accompanied by her husband. Consumers' Association of Canada believes there is a need for realistic leg- islation and enforcement in the credit privacy field. Credit reporting agencies should be licen- sed in order to regulate their activities in collect- ing and reporting information for the protection of TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 an extra $80 per week sending ina coupon like this one' "For us, it was the answer. "Yes, an investment in chinchilla ranching through the Chinchilla Guild of Canada might be the answer . . . for extra income ... for full time income. And you can sta for as little as $700 down. "If you're seriously interested, fill out this coupon and mail it to me today. ga I'll see you get the full story. No obligation of course. "| defy you to find a better investment today. Think abou might be the answer." _ WILLIAM KIRBY President, Chinchilla Guild of Canada "Three years ago, we were caught in the squeeze of rising prices--both of us working and still not really able to save--or have the things we wanted. - "Then we made an investment. "We invested in chinchilla ranching with the Chinchilla Guild of Canada. "We found we could start a chinchilla ranch in a spare room-- or even our basement! The animals are clean and quiet --and there's no odor. They require very little attention, so we can ranch in our spare time. "But the dividends are full time. | The Chinchilla Guild of Canada 'ae { 1 Laidlaw Blvd., Markham Village, Ontario e 297-2882 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Orono, Ontario. upon request | understand that this is a request for information and does not obligate me in any way. NAME , ; AGE Name supplied | Yes, | would like to know more about an investmentin chinchilla ranching. ADDRESS Dive et oe ie PROV. OCCUPATION ag i PHONE naa No. #TB -I7 | am interested in an income of $50. per week $80 per week $150 per week $200 per week to hear their reaction to your request. Write individual privacy, reputation and economic security.] Concumers' Association of Canada, 100 Gloucester The vast majority of credit reporting agencies are reputable and strive to give accurate information but mistakes do occur and there are always the fly-by- night operators . It is up to you to safeguard your reputation - for St., Ottawa 4, Ontario. AMENDMENT REFLECTS HIGH COST OF LIVING "We started earning aR ee TR a aN The rising cost of living is in a very real sense, reputation and privacy once reflected in a new amendment to the Ontario Highway Traffic lost can noe be regained a: Act which becomes effective on If you visit your local credit bureau reporting agen~} January I. f Previously, collisions involving # personal injury or property dam- j i ARS NOE RET AN i CE A LE BEN ONO TY ORIEL | cy with a request fo view your file, we would like sat eae athe TOSS ENA TA IS ROR IE oe age exceeding $100 had 10 be reported to the nearest provin- cial or municipal police officer. This property damage mini- ' mum will be increased, on Jan. § 1, to $200.