ws ERRACE Donald BENQ Insurance Agent 1968 saw 648 people die in fires in Canada FIRE IS SO FINAL PHONE: 824-2666 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO. INSTALATION OF OFFICERS DECEMBER 12TH The Terrace Bay Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 223 held it's regular meeting on November 2nd. with C .Koski presiding. Minutes from past executive and regular meetings were adopted as read. The treasurer's report was given by Cmrd. Coupal and adopted as read. Committee Reports: - The Bar Chairman thanked those who worked during the stewards' recent illness. The Sports Chairman had no report, but wished to have a date established for the Branch Bonspiel, with date not to conflict with the coming Zone Curling Play- downs or the Snow Machine Races. Poppy Chairman, G. Ramsay reported on Remem- brance Day, that all Wreaths had been purchased and received. The Poppy Flag would be flown at the Legion on November 8th and at the Municipal Office on November 11th. Volunteers to lay extra wreaths were found. New Business: - A letter causing some concern was read and dealt with on a motion of Cmrds S. Little and Ramsay, that the letter be answered and the con- fusion that arose be explained. This Branch will host the next Zone meeting Dec- ember 6th, and the small room of the Recreation Centre will be sought for the meeting. Voting Delegates from this Branch will be - Cmrds C. Koski, Gunter and Churney. Following the meeting, a hot -meal will be served to out of town and Branch del- egates in the Legion. Installation of Officers will be held December 12th, "FRESH AS A DAISY" WHEN WE DO YOUR DRY CLEANING | 570 CLEANERS phone , Tailors and 3335 4 Launderers 's:,° Bay YOUR CAR SIN-ISERVICE PH .- 825-3638 TERRACE BAY BY GIVING ITA FALL TUNE UP. Installing Officer for this year will be Cmrd. J. Falzetta. The building committee gave a brief report which resulted in the decision to call a special meeting re- garding the new building, or an extension of the old. It was suggested that Auxiliary Lighting for the Branch be sought to relieve any discomfort caused by future power failures. The nomination report was made by D. Gunter for the 1970 Slate of Officers, which indicated an election would result for the position of 2nd vice- president. This election will take place at the next General Meeting and all members are urged to attend. The 1970 officers are as follows: - President - G. Churney; Ist vice-president - P. Jones; 2nd vice-president - A. Theriault, W. Kuj- J bida (to be elected); treasurer - P. Coupal; secretary] - R. Belliveau; service ae - W. Kujbida and continue 8 RESTAURANT | Open 2¢ Hours a Day TAKE OUT ORDERS - PHONE -824-2822 TILDEN RENT-A-CAR - TRUCK DAILY RENTALS SHORT AND LONG TERN LEASING PHONE: BRIAN DUFFY Schreiber 824-2043 Evenings 824-2068