PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 6, 1969 Small Motors - It can't be left over! SNOWMOBILE CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Last Thursday evening officers of the newly organ- I got it! - more photos page 7 ......- ized snowmobile club of Terrace Bay met at the home of M. Osmar and made several decisions. Executive officers and their appointments are as follows: President - Carmon Brant; Vice-president - Bill McKie; Secretary - Ethel Boyd; Treasurer - THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION 1969-70 Adult Education Program at the TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL. Your Board of Education is interested in making the secondary school facilities availeble to you in those ereas in which the demand is sufficient. In order to initiate a course, a minimum of I5 registrants and a suitable inst-_ ructor is necessary. : 'Joe Desaulniers; Junior Director - Rod Larson,and Directors - John McDonald, Sam Boyd, and Harold Kodila. cont'd page 9 ....... Welding and small motors classes are now in session. Do you have any further needs and/or suggestions? The facilities can be for your use. Make use of them A fee of $10.00 for approximately 30 hours of instruction is set. Please fill in the attached form and return by mail or submit it to the Terrace Bey High School in care of Mr. Jon Ferguson by November 7, 1969. THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM Pre-Registration Form NAME i Sc mi ly me gn Re ae ee Se Pi eet cata ADDRESS _--. ee _ Telephone NO. - | would be interested in the following courses: (1) i a ae aumento Oy ee oe et ee Signature of Applicant (3) Seece me TEER GEER RD CaS ee "ESE secre RIE GOED een SUE ener merges SARE ES ED ms SR ne Co a ca REE em Ry ee