- PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 6, 1969 Ist. Mr. B. Martin Jr., author of the Oivl Books for primary grades conducted an excellent seminar on Language Experience. It left the teachers with re- newed zeal and enthusiasm. The other conference which some teachers attend- ed was held at St. Ignatius School, Port Arthur. A team of enthusiastic speakers from Ontario Teachers' Federation spoke on the Open Concept School. They had very definite practical solutions to some of the problems in today's field of education Teaching VS Learning was a topic which aroused much discussion. It is a topic worth thinking about - too. Video-tape - cont'd from page 17 ee The cameras were set up in each of the primary rooms and the children were filmed as they went about their activities. The tapes were played back at the end of the day for the teachers to evaluate. This was an excellent opportunity to view the activities in their class rooms. Hallowe'en was celebrated at a little party in ; Holy Angels on Friday. Can you identify some of the masked phantoms CROSSWORD PUZZLE Last Week's ACROSS = 38. Give - 13. ae Ans wer "Twing «40, Armaditio «= dawn. PE RES _ index 41. Facial moist. FR a rR 2 * eatatibal 42. Eyeglasses: 15. Golf- for short .. informal er's 9. i of i Legal delay ame: 10. Ignited tion ive once more DOWN 18. Paint 12. Mine 1, Prescription badly The Kindergarten class, grade four class and the entrance in ee a ee | grade six class will all be losing one member this reas ' eo hide of character week, as the Fiorenza family is moving to Terrace x waa. Acne PP pg corer wy oc A Se ee Cosimo was working in kindergarten, Cathy in Yee. eens 25. Milk-' - " expects grade four and Dominic in grade six. They will now * te ca. pent ee be attending St. Martin's School. 17. Restrict: -- ' favorite 26. Pry out 39. Portly Goed luck in your new school and town! 19. oes eee ee ; she 42. Thorough- ee os oo . a city 29. Fuse fare: abbr. , ; - ; ie" EEE UEP PY nee PCC ere es «abcde dee ad ae tke « weer ee ee sStreor FTL PT|| melt | zsewish = POT | | | Ya | eee Pr oe Sete AE | Wa | | VAT ape PT (city in Ohio) EACHERS ATTEND CONFERENCE Teachers from Holy Angels attended one of two conferences held at the Lakehead, Saturday, Nov.