PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 30,1969 Town Topics - continued from page 13... Cathy Bottomley is visiting her aunts, Mrs. Joe Spavor in Fort William and the Misses Grace and Pearl Fadden in Port Arthur.. latte Mrs. Melvin Reed of Mount Hope, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Smithville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCuaig. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moore this week were his sister, Mrs. Hazel Tougsignant, with Mrs. Stan O'Showy and daughter Laurie of Windsor . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bottomley are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norma Bottomley visiting also Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bottomley and Mrs. Polly Bottomley. OFFICERS ELECTED BY REBEKAH LODGE ~ Elected to office by Ruby Rebekah Lodge are Mrs. Christine Morris-Noble Grand, Mrs.Glorie Miller- Vice Grand, Mrs.Beth Macadam-Recording Secretary' Mrs .Helen Wallace PDDP, Financial Secy., Mrs. Sheila Boseley-Treasurer and Mrs .Elizabeth Harris- Trustee. They will be installed on Oct.18th by a suite from Thunder Bay. For this meeting Mrs .Morris was acting N.G., with Mrs. Jessie McCanna as V.G. Mrs.Gladys Hamilton reported on a meeting with the Retarded Children's Assoc. A gift was sent to W.Smith who is ill in Van- couver. Mrs.Smith was a former Despatcher here. friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. David McLellan and Miss Elam Haapa are visiting in Winnipeg and Chapleau for their vaca- tion. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly visited friends en route from Vancouver to their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sten Lif of Cochenour are visiting Mr. and. Mrs. Leonard O'Brien. Mrs. Frank McKenna is in Dryden visiting her mother who is ill in hospital . Ben Pressman, of Geraldton, presided for a meet- ing on Sunday July 20 in Nipigon of the executive of the Progressive Conservative Association, Thunder Bay Riding. Attending also were Ray Pitkanen and J.D. Phillips, of Schreiber, and Toi Seppala of Rossport . Various matters, pertinent to the riding, were dis- cussed and prepared for presentation at a general meeting in early fall when Allan Eagleson, president of the Ontario Progressive Association, will be the guest speaker . Visiting with Corp. and Mrs. Michael Kulmatycki are the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kulmatycki Sr. of Paris, Ont. and Mr. and Mrs. John Galotowski with Frank and Lennie of Woodstock Eugene Crapon of Manitouwadge was in town this week on business connected with the high school . Rev. Rex Dye of Michigan will take the servies in Grace Baptist Church on Sunday July 27. Mrs. Dye and their family will accompany the minister. Ms and Mrs. Gordon Macadam of Winnipeg are visiting the former's mother Mrs. Forbes Macadam. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nesbitt and their grandson Bobby Nesbitt, all of Galt, Ont., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Nesbitt, visiting also with others in the Nesbitt families . Sgt. Ivan Cataford, RCAF, Mrs Cataford, Diane, Don and Dale of St. James, Man., are visiting Mr. and Mrs, George Cataford. Also with them are Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cataford, and their grandson Paul of Kapuskasing. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welbourne are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gillis, with Donna and Derry of St. Jacobs Ont., and Mrs. Tom Leveque, with Terri Lynn, Kevin~ and Michael of White River. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Harper spent their vacation visiting Mr. andMrs. Herb Foss in North Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Mel David, Miss Lois Davis, and i Karen Lidkea in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davies and Bill Christie of Breslau, Ont., have returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Macadam. Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Riordan of Coppercliffe and Mrs. John Cavanaugh of Detroit are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Holmes. There will be a tea on August 6 in honor of Mrs. Pearl Rattray who is leaving Schreiber for a new home. It is expected that friends in Schreiber and Terrace Bay will attend this occasion which will be held in the United Church Hall from 2.30 to 6.p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hill, Chuck and Jamie, are leaving for their holidays, in Toronto and the ad- jacent area, and the public library will be closed until Mrs. Hills' three weeks' vacation is over. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collinson spent their vacation in Centennial Park, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Anderson of Detroit visited » Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Wallace last week - the Ander- sons being childhood friends of Mr. Wallace in North Bay. Mrs. Marco Eusebi was given a surprise party in her own home last week by a group of neighbours and friends on whose behalf Mrs. Lillian Pelto pre- Continued page 15 ....