Terrace Bay News February 13, 1969 SCHREIBER and Herb. Gellert were appointed as hostesses for the March meeting LADIES AUXILIARY PLANS BONSPIEL The laides' auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 109 again agreed to make the Salvation Army Red Shield appeal during May, with Mrs. G. Davis convening. Mrs. Keith Ross was welcomed again as a - member. Mrs. Jack Winters and Mrs. A. C. Rigelsford were appointed delegates to attend the district meeting on March 29 in Kackabecka Falls with Mrs. Davis as alternate. Social nights for the Legion were set for Feb. I8th and 25th. The annual bonspiel has been ar- ! ranged for Feb. I4th and I5th, with the kitchen to. ' remain open during the event, under the charge of | Mrs. Bill Dunham. Mrs. Ivan Johnson will convene the bonspiel dinner. The prizes will be awarder after the last draw on Saturday night. A cabaret was planned for March 17th. March hostesses will be Mrs. Harold Gellert, Mrs. Jack Handel, and Mrs. Len Hiller. Mrs. Jack Winters presided for the meeting. ' The two pictures show an obvious reason for George Riley's investmeni of $15,000.00 ina front end loader, equipped with a back hoe. He is shown clearing town street, and alse rescuing house holders trapped by drifts in.second picture. Many homes have given up the unequal battle with the elements and have only succeeded in getting one entrance to their home open Photos. |. McCuaig. BAKE SALE PLANNED BY U.C. W. x An invitation from the Catholic Women's League to attend their regular meeting on Feb. 9th was accepted by the United Church Women at their meeting on Feb. Sth, with Mrs. Wesley Clemens presiding . Rev. E. C. Prinselar spoke on the Baptisim of the Holy Spirit. A donation of $20.00 was made to the High School Student Council, proceeds of a bake sale, managed by Mesdames Frank Fummerton, Herb Gellert, John St illane, and Ann Etches. Mrs. Fummerton reported that the recent con- | gregational dinner had been a good meal and was well-attended, with guests from other churches present. In answer to a letter from the recently - organ- ized town recreation committee, the UCW stated they were in favor of a youth centre with bowling and other sport activities, and recommemded that more use be made of facilities in the high school . It was decided to purchase new drcpes for the Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Lidkea spent the weekend wit! church hall and the choir room. the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lidkea en A bake sale, with coffee and doughnuts was route to Fort William. Mr. Lidkea has been trans- planned for March 15 with Mrs. Russel Macadam as | ferred from Windsor by Olivetti Underwood Ltd. convener. It was announced that the World Day of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Page of Port Arthur spent the Prayer will be held this year in Holy Angels' Roman weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Whent. Catholic Church on Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. Mesdames Jamie Hill is in Terrace Bay Hospital . Wesley Clemens, Frank Fummerton, Bill Geroy