SCHREIBER RESIDENT DIES AT THE AGE OF NINETY Honoring the long and faithful devotion of Mrs. Catherine "oagrove to Holy Angels' Romen Catholic Church in Schreiber, 1906 to 1969, the white requiem mass was celebrated for the first time in the church by Father J.M. Cano, on February 1, her death havingooourred on Jamusry 29th. The pall bearers were five grandsons ~- Dean Cosgrove of Dryden, Irving Cosgrove and Leon Verdoni of Fort Willian, 'ishael Cosgrove and Neil Verdeni of Schreiber, and Martyn ftyan of Schreiber. Interment was in Schreiber cemetery. Mrs. Cosgrove is survived by five sons, three daughters, *8 grandchildren, 42 great grandchildren, e brother and two sisters. Despite raising a large family and cerrying on a business rs. Cosgrove maintained a lively interest in church and community affeirs, coupled with a wry sense of humour and Safeotious chuckles until her lest illinees. The Rosary wee said in the Cawley Funeral Home on Friday «evening. Attending the funeral from out of town were Joe and Ben Sesgrove of Montreal, Sylvester (Count) Cosgrove, Gerard Cosgrove, and Mrs. Lorne Flannigan of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cosgrove, John and Judy Cosgrove of Chapleau, Dean Cosgrove of Dryden, Irving Cosgrove, Leon Verdoni, Mrs. John Zubask, Mra. Len Portelance and Mr. and Mrs. Ray "eCarthy of Fort William, Rev. Sister St. Austin of Port Arthur. A workshop for Guiders will be held in Schreiber on fabruery 8th in both the United Church and the Satholic C Church hells, with the trainers coming from the lakehead for the occasion. SOIDES AND BROWNIES A most attentive audience attended a joint inductiza ceremony of Schreiber Brownies and Guides when 23 Brownies "Tlew Up" into Guides and two Guides were inducted. "rownies inoluded Jolene Zeperzan, Holly MeKar, Cail "ottom oon Kulmetycki, Laura Carmiachel, Linde Commisso, Detiie J 'Jor, Linda Revigne, Rhonda Campbell, (ite Fiziiomeni; 'st Pack Maxine Holland, May Jo Ryan, Toni Tremblay, ina Cebrexio, Sylvia Speziale, Tami Kaken, Jane Devis, Donne cellert, Judy Lengyel, Karen Lamoureux, Paulette Perres, "erna Gauthier, Petricia McGrath; 2nd Pack Arlene Keane y who wes 111 and will be inducted later. Setting for the ceremony was in the South Seas with girls wearing leis and hule skirts. Their leaders taking part ineluded Mrs. Marcie Cebrerio, Mra, June Sisson, Irs. snes Dietrich, Mrs. Janet Kulmatyeki, and Packy Dale Sisson. The girls' wings were pinned on by Commissioner Mrs. Nesy Shack. The Guides, with leaders Mrs. Ellen Campbell, Sent. Mrs. Wilhelmina Prinselaar, and Mrs. Andrea Hill, iieuts., formed a horseshoe circle for the induction of sombera Duffy and Rae Sisson, who were presented by Chryl <emms and Judy Parent. Mrs. Campbell also introduced and we .eomed Cathy Herlihy and Rose Huard who have volunteered *o assist with the Guides. Mrs. Audrey McKay was formally inducted as Lieut. in the Guides. -Cook Badges were presented to guides Sharon Scott and "neryl Karns, Child Care badges were presented to Cathy aderson, Kathy McGuire, Alenna Power and Dawn Dietrich; Skatera badges to Brends Cebrario, Cheryl Karns, Linda Huard and ea Second Class badge to Alanna Power. i During the program the girls sang various rounds and faverite songe, Donna MeGrath gave a reading and the audie responded with hales of laughter to the skit - Too Much Salt in the Soup, produced and directed by Paule Geuthier with her fellow guides as the cast. Following the lights-out ceremony , tea was served. Photo at top of next colum shows frem left ~ Mrs. Mareie Cebrario, Brow Owl, daughters Tina end Brenda and Mrs. Mary Shack, commissioner & grandmother. TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUAR ANGLICAN CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING The annual vestry meeting of St. John's Anglican Church was chaired by Rev. arthur Chabot. The report,: given by Mrs. Jack Bryson of the Anglican Church Women, showed an active and financia ily successful year, with the church hall entrance renoveted, new kitchen cupboards purchased, also tables and cheirs for banquet and other social occasio: purchased. Mrs. 'ohert Winters reported the organ fund is steadily incressins. in urgent plea was made for a Sunday School supervisor and leader for the Cirls! Auxiliary. fn estimate on re-siding the rectory will be obtained and it was felt that mich of the lsbor could be done- by voluntary work. Rev. Chbot read « letter outlining ¢ changes being made in the Synod office. Members agreed in principle with the proposal to pay all stipends from the Synod office. Suggestions by Rev. Chabot for alter changes in the cornmunion service were accepted on « trial basis. Tr. Reg Bailey was instructed to propose, at the Synod neeting in June, changes in the assessment of St. Johnts church, which members feel at the present is exorbitant. He will also ask then te explore the possibility of seouring a resident reotor. A vote of sppreciation was given to Hev. Chabot who comes from Marathon to hold regular services in Schreiber. My. Chabot thanked the church officers for their support, and the congregation and all who assisted in the church - work during the year. ; The following officers were elected: Norman Bottomley - people's warden; .G. Furlonger, envelope secretary; P.R. Railey, church treasurer. Mr. Bailey was also appointed Synod delegate, with Norman Bottomley as alternate. Mr. Furlonger was appointed vestry clerk for 1969. The appoint- ment of the rector's werden was left to Hav. Chabot. See photo on top of page 15. If you have to travel across frozen lakes by auto- mobile, it is a wise precaution to roll down the windows of the vehicle. Then, if you are unlucky enough to break through the ice, water pressure against the doors will not make escape impossible. Think in terms of ice-safety! Be cautious; be especially wary during the earlier and later parts of the winter season.