TERRACE BAY NEWS BIRCH MOTORS Your DODGE & PLYMOUTH Dealer in Schreiber -- Ph. CHRYSLER <@ CANADA LTO. 640 ASSOCIATE DEALER Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday 'morning. Classified ads ~ minimim charge 60¢ (20 words and under). Cards of Thanks end Announcements - minimum charge $1.00 (30 words and under). i Subscription rate - $2.50 per year. Authorized as second class-mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of | Postage in cash. SALES HELP WANTED - FEMALE ladies. Holiday season is approaching. If you need money to buy gifts, etc. for Christmas, sell our beautiful line of Cosmetics and other products. Large profit. Write Rawleigh, Dept. K-903-1, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. WANTED - A woman for part-time night work at Snack Bar. Contact Mrs. Moon at the Snack Bar or phone 3880, FOR RENT - large room for business or office. Contact Schreiber Barber Shop. CARNATION CORN CAPS Why suffer agony? Relief is now yours from England. Carnation Corn Caps have been sold for over a century with effective results, a medicated pad that really does the jobs Corn Caps = only 49¢; Callous 59¢; at WAGHORN PHARMACY FOR SALE - Tent Trailer, sleeps six, complete with 2 mat-. tresses, spare wheel and built on utility box. Phone 3752 after 5230 Dems ; . CARD OF THANKS ~ I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sent flowers, gifts and cards and to those who visited me during my illness in the Port Arthur Generel Hospital. Self conscious due to acne, pimples and similar blemishes? Hydsolin will help clear your complexion. Clear, cojorless, equally effective on dry or oily skin, use night or day e Meany pleased users, Ask your druggist for Hydsolin $1.50 at WAGHORN PHARMACY. THE THUNDER BAY HEALTH UNIT APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL NOVEMBER 25, 1968, FO THE POSITION OF BUSINESS MANAGER = - -$8,000 - $12,000 per annum Mrs. Herb Gellert NOTICE - Any adults in Schreiber interested in forming a badminton club are asked to Phone Bill Hawke at 642 before Sunday, November 17th. FOR SALE - girls? white figure skates, sizes 1,2,3 and 12; $1.00 - $2.00 per pair; also one pair Globetrotter Ski Boots size 3, in excellent condition - regular $14,98 for $8.00 Phone Terrace Bay 3640. FOR SALE ~ gold floor length gown of peau de soie satin; size 10 - 12 = worn only once. Best offer accepted. Phone Schreiber 37 after 7 Pele This 18 a challenging new position created by the merger of the Fort William and Port Arthur and District Health Units The Business Manager will be responsible to the Medical Officer of Health for directing and co-ordinating the account ing, financiel, purchasing, secretarial and record keeping activities of the unit, as well as administering the person- nel policies of the Unit through the other senior staff. Formal accounting training would be an asset, and starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications. Please send a complete resume including references to: THE CHAIRMAN, PERSONNEL & PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE, THUNDER BAY HEALTH UNIT, P.O. Box 971 : PORT ARTHUR, ONTARIO. WANTED - one pair boys hockey skates size 7; one pair boys hockey gloves in good condition. Phone 3577. FOR SALE = One Bell & Howell 500-Watt, Model 710P Slide Projector and one Bell & Howell Slide Tray Chest, Model 05124 holding 12 slide trays, price $35.00. Write Post Office Box 55, Schreiber or telephone 3+ between five and sixe : FOR SALE - two studded snow tires, almost new - size to fit an- Envoy-Epic.e Phone 3747 days or 3243 evenings. NOTICE - The Terrace Bay Horticultural Society will hold their Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 28th at 7.30 peme in the large mee'ing room at the Recreation Centre. Lunch will be serv DRY CLEANING MAYTAG WASHERS - 25¢ PER LOAD Hours 1 - 4 p.m. Mon. through Sat. 8 LB. LOAD -§3.00 SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787 HOME BAKING TO ORDER - Bread, buns, tarts, etc. Phone 3B. MacFadyen at 3670. LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for 10 min.