TERRACE BAY NEWS May 25, 1967 for Grades 6, 7 and 8 ended with a decision to table the matter until the September meeting. ' A new refrigerator for the school kitchen has arrived. Mrs. Ruth Spadoni presided for the meeting, with thirty present and the attendance prize won by Sister St.Timothy's room. Following the meeting Constable Keith Scott showed coloured films of his holiday in Scotland. SCHREIBER NEWS Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gild (nee Paulie Bottomley) and family of Port Arthur spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. & Mrs. Dick Remillard and family of Sault Ste. Marie visited Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Laine. Mr. & Mrs. Alec Gordon and son Clyde were in Fort William to attend the baptism in St. Patrick's Cathedral, of grand-daughter Jennifer Joyce Gordon, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gordon (nee Joyce Graham). Father George Greengrass who officiated also married Bruce and Joyce, and, also was raised in Schreiber, as were the baby's mother and father and this set of grandparents. Miss Peggy Smith, of the Nipigon hospital staff, visited her parents Mr. & Mrs. Albert Smith, and others in the family last week . Mrs. Jack Stokes is in Toronto visiting her mother who is ill. Nola Fummerton, Roxanne Hill, and Bill Drake attended a Youth Conference in Winnipeg sponsored by the United Church and held in United College. D'Arcy Furlonger spent the long weekend with his brother, Corp. Laurie Furlonger R.C.M.P. and family in Winnipeg. Mrs. George Lemieux has return ed to Ottawa where she is staying with her son-in-law Cecil Snyder while his wife is ill. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Banning and daughter Margaret spent a holiday in Blind River. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Doig of Chapleau visited here this week. L.R. TREMBLAY HEADS C.P.T.A. The following new officers were elected at the May meeting of the Catholic Parent Teachers' Association L.R.Tremblay, president; Corp. M.Kulmatycki, vice president; Mrs. Rita McGrath, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Maclsaac, secretary. Rev. Sister St. Timothy announced with pride that Grades 6,7 and 8 were leaving by bus on May 23 to attend Expo. Of the money required for the trip, the pupils raised $175. from bake and candy sales, and other projects in school. She also answered questions placed in a box during the month on matters pertinent to the C.P.T.A. Mrs. Doris Gauthier and Mrs. Isabel Perras agreed to convene the lunch following the June graduation ceremonies. A lengthy discussion on purchase of gym uniforms Mr. & Mrs. Joe Campbell have been visiting in London, Detroit and Sarnia where they attended the wedding of their nephew Barry Lugsden. ROSSPORT NEWS Last Wednesday members of St.Berchman's Altar Society met at the home of Mrs. Ben Lespinski for the annual meeting. The officers were all re-elected for an other term. President Mrs. Herb Legault, First Vice President ;Mrs. Mac Hubelit, Second Vice Mrs. Eugene Gerow, Secretary Mrs. Ben Lespinski, Treasurer Mrs. Felix Legault. Mrs. H.Legault pre- sided for the lengthy agenda. Prayers were recited for the parish sick and for World Peace also. Greet- ings were extended to mothers and grandmothers of the members. Responding to Roll Call members named a modern convenience that their grandmothers did not have. Members were dressed in Centennial gowns Shrubs and plants have been received for the church yard. Plans were discussed for the annual bazaar and tea in June. Centennial pins were distributed and pamphlets on "Understanding the Indian Child. " Mrs. Felix Legault presented the years' financial statement and Mrs. Herb Legault gave an interesting report on the Society's activities for the past year. It was decided to hold a bingo to pay for the plants and shrubs. Spring cleaning was discussed. Following adjournment lunch was served. The table was centered with a birthday cake for the organizatio and contests were run by the program chairman Mrs. Todesco with prizes being won by Mrs. M.Hubelit,, Mrs. H.Legault, Mrs. E.Gerow and Mrs. Lespenski. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Herb Legault. The pony express riders-spent the night here Tuesday Riders were Mrs. Gina Jardine, Miss D.Davies and Douglas Pawluk of Dorion. Mrs. Uardine stated that so far 1700 horses have been used. The scroll they carry was started from Mexico and written on tanned goat hide. ( continued on Page 14)