MAY 11, 196 _TERRACE BAY pete \\ TERRACE BAY NEWS bh) | FIRE - AUTO & CASUALTY !'NSURANCE Notary Public Bruce Simon Schreiber ~ - Telephone 315 Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. Deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday morning. Phone 36 Classified Ads - minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under). TERRACE BAY 3033 Cards of Thanks and Announcements - minimum charge $1. - (30 COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION words and under). Subscription rate $2.50 per year. LIMITED Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa and for NEW OFFICE HOURS payment of postage in cash. Monday - 7 to 8 p.m. Thureday - 7 to 9 poem Tuesday ~- 9.30 to 11.30 aem. Friday - 9.30 to 11.30 Tuesday - 2 to 4 p.m - Friday - 2 to 5 peme BICYCLE REPAIRS - call at 477 Superior or Phone 3739. CARD OF THANKS - I would like to say thanks to No. 2 shift for their surprise party and wallet they gave me, No. 1 shift for the ice bucket and crystal vase, and to all who worked on and attended the stag. If you are ever passing through Renfrew I hope you will visit us, once we are settled. Lew St. Louis. f - one newly const: concrete oil ed three bedroom house, full ugmac large living room done in modern surfwi cture window. Exterior done in lifetime aluminum sid tone trim. Aluminum doors and windows. Nice garden at the back? ete side- walks. Phone 464 Schreiber or call at 309 Walker CARD OF THANKS - We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who were so kind during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Inshaw, Mrs. L.R. MeCudig, Gewley's Funeral Home, pallbearers, Costats and Caccamo's , those who loaned cars, sent flowers, cards or helped in any other way. A very special thanks to the Jackfish Oldtimers. Your kindness will always be remembered FOR SALE - l-pr. white Fibergles drepes 144" x 96". Two heavy duty drapery tracks extend to 180". Phone 3834 after 4 p.m. LADIES : Are you interested in top commission? Part time work with no investment. Sarsh Coventry Jewellery. Write or phone - Mrs. Audrey Hartman, 250 E.Amelia Street, Fort William, 623-7127. Mr. Bill Cook, Sr. & families. FOR SALE - house - two bedrooms, two self contained apartment dwelling on Columbie Street. Apply Mrs, R. Gray, Box 1 or phone 194W, Schreiber. FOR SALE - 2 only 700 x 14 tires - good condition. Phone 3763 or contact time card 390, Two for $5.00. FOR SALE - 1959 Evinrude outboard motor - 18 H.P. $175. Phone 122, Schreiber. FOR SALE - fourteen foot marine plywood boat, 9-1/2 H.P. Johnson Outboard motor with cruise a day tank, Otacootrailer, many other extras in A-1 condition. Phone 3717. -.--Popler smoke....orackling ceampfires.....skirl of a Reel ---sterry skies....ory of the Loon...murmuring Pines...know how....fleshing puddles. .nor- thern friends. OPERATION WOODCRAFT A UNIQUE WILDERNESS ADVENTURE FOR YOUTH IN QUETICO Budget terms aveileble. NOTICE - The reguler monthly meeting of the Terrace Bay Fish and Geme Association will be held at 7.30 p.m. Thursday, May 11 in the | small meeting room at the Recreation Centre. WANTED - couple to operate Chalet Restaurant and Husky Service at Jackfish Lake, also boat rentals. Rental basis or share profit with owner. Owner will be on premises Frida and Saturday May 12 and 13 to discuss with interested parties, or write Harry T.Lavoie, 1571 Moy Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. FOR SALE - small comfortable 2-bedroom house, oil heated with basement. Contact A.B.Morgan 119 Brunswick St., Schreiber. KITCHEN HELP' -required for Terrace Bay Motor Hotel, male or female. Cooking experience preferred but not essential. Direct applica- tion or enquiries to Employment Supervisor, Kimberly-Clark Pulp & Paper Company, Terrace Bay. FOR SALE - high chair, play pen, junior bed, commode chair. $30. for the lot. Phone Schreiber 309. WRITE OR PHONE -- QUETICO CENTRE, BOX 1000, ATIKOKAN, ONTARIO When breekfast is skipped, the body has gone without food for as long as 15 hours, impair- ing to some degree muscular ability, percept- ion and ability to stand up unde WANTED TO BUY - small girl's 2-wheel bike. Phone 3850. PHONE:- Sapawe 2351 Ome wors Ws DRY CLEANING MAYTAG WASHERS - 25¢. PER LOAD Hours 1 - 4p.m. Mon.through Sat. Atay a3) 8 LB. LOAD - - $2.00 LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for Hike «Superior Coin Laundry & Dry Cleaning 19 min. REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825 -9787