Page 12 {| COMMENCEMENT (Continued from page 8 Very Rev.Dean E.A.Gallagher pronounced the In- vocation and Principal Mr.W.W.Rowsome welcomed the large audience, introducing the guests seated on the stage. Though desiring a larger graduating class it still remained a night-of happiness for those who sat before him. Congratulations were brought from the Township as Reeve Wm.Adamo spoke briefly to the class and audience. Members of the Highschool Board made the presen- tation of Awards and Trophies for athletics, assisted by the School Staff. Board Chairman, A.N.Chisholm began with the presentation of Curling Bars to Gary Gusul, Marie Sadowick, Stephanie Synishin and Derek Wills. Basketball bars went to Diane Camp- bell, Jill Crandlemire, Linda Dakin, Shirley Des- rosier, Linda Hales, Linda Hayes, Judy McInnes, Cheryl Moore, Elaine Rajotte, Susan Sadowick, Valerie Turner, Jack Crandlemire, Ronald Falzetta, Michael Lemay, Bruce Lundberg, Michael Mallais, James Mikus, Roger Rajotte, Bob Robinson, David Shivas and Bob Wallwin. Track and Field Bars went to Jill Crandlemire, Gail Dakin, Linda Dakin, Connie Fawcett, Judy McInnes, Elizabeth Ojavee, Elaine Rajotte, Irene Uzicanin, Greg Chesley, James Downey, David Falzetta, Peter Heenan, Michael Lemay, Jon Mac- Donald, Jim Mikus, Alan Pineault, Bob Robinson. Individual Track Trophies were awarded to Elaine Rajotte, Sr.Girl, David Falzetta, Sr.Boy, Bob Rob- inson, Jr.Boy and the new Athlete of the Year A- wards went to Elaine Rajotte and David Falzetta. Mr Chisholm was assisted by Mr.John Ferguson. A lovely pianoforte interlude was provided by Jill Crandlemire who played Exodus and I'll Never Find Another You, before Mrs.Forbes Cruickshank, mem- ber of the Board continued the presentations, award- ing Cheerleader bars to Marcia Hamilton, Beth Hop- per, Mary Ellen Little, Kathy Phillips, Michelle Slattery, Irene Stuart and Irene Uzicanin. Jill Crandlemire and Mark Boudreau, the two students who attended the Ontario Athletic Leadership Camp were also recognized awards. Volleyball bars went to Diane Campbell, Jill Crandlemire, Linda Dakin, Connie Fawcett, Darlene Larson, Janis McInnes, Judy McInnes, Cheryl Moore, Karen Moore, Elizabeth Ojagee, Elaine Rajotte, Patricia Simmer, Jon MacDonald, Michael Mallais, David Mercier, James Mikus, Alan Pineault and Roger Rajotte. Gymnastic Bars went to Claire Bel- liveau, lan Cameron, Gail Dakin, Linda Dakin, Richard Dorman, David Falzetta, Carole Gaudet, Donald Gerow, Wes Hiebert, Dorlene Larson, Mich- ael Lemay, Robt.Long, Bob MacMillan, Judy Mcln- nes, Bob Mallais, Lloyd Phillips, Bob Robinson, Bill Shivas, David Shivas, Valerie Turner, Margaret J.Wallwin, Kenneth Wood and were awarded by W. Farrell, Board member. Continuing Mr.Farrell pre- sented Entertainer Bars for Folk Dancing to Annette Belliveau, Deborah Boyd, Jill Crandlemire, Bonnie Hamilton', Marcia Hamilton, Molly Harris, Beth Hopper, Linda Hayes, Elizabeth Ojavee, Kathy Phillips, Shirley Phillips, Virginia Pineault, Elaine Rajotte, Evelyn Rajotte, Stephanie Synishin, Jane THE NEWS November 11/65 West. Then Entertainer Bars for other school func- tions: Lita M.Boudreau, Donna Brown, Joanne Brown Carole Gaudet, Brian Hubelit, Bonnie Hamilton, Dorlene Larson, Lynda Lawrence, Suzanne Lemay, Jon MacDonald, Carol MacLeod, David Mercier, Ainsley Middaugh, Karen Moore, David Roberts, Bill Shivas, David Shivas, Deborah Stewart, Allen Trudeau, Kenneth Wood. Mr.Farrell was assisted by Mr.Ken MacLeod. Love is a Many Splendoured Thing was the title of a vocal solo by Joanne Brown who was encored on a again to sing "More". Pupils who achieved over 75% in academic stand- ing last year were awarded Academic Bars. Principal W.W.Rowsome assisted by Mr.Chisholm presented -- these to - Gr.9, Claire Belliveau, Pamela Cumming, Marcia Hamilton, Linda Hayes, Jane Kelty, Rod Mercure, Ted Petrus, David Shivas, Valerie Turner; Gr.10, Margot Anderson, Lita M.Boudreau, Carole Gaudet, Keith Koski, James Mikus, Marguerite Mousseau, Deborah Stewart, Jane West. Gr.11 - Bonnie Beddard, Elizabeth Dobush, Ronald Falzetta, and Lance Stewart. Grade 12 - Brian Hubelit, Roger Rajotte and Irene Uzicanin. Shields for Proficiency are awarded annually to the highest student in each grade and are further backed up by the Soughton Jewelers' Award. Mrs. Cruickshank presented the Shields as Mr .Fred Sough- ton presented their prize to Ted Petrus (Gr.9), Carole Gaudet (Gr.10), Bonnie Beddard and Roger Rajotte (Gr.11). The Knights of Columbus Scholar- ship from St.Edward's Council No.3554 was awarded to Roger Rajotte., District Deputy Rolly Sinotte mak- ing the presentation. Perfect Attendance bars were presented by Mr. D.Briscoe, Public School Principal, assisted by Mr. G .Campeau to Lita M.Boudreau, Arnold Boulianne, | John Crandlemire, Richard Dorman, David Falzetta, Carole Gaudet, Gary Gusul, Linda Hayes, Brian Hubelit, Judy McInnes, Cheryl Moore, Karen Moore, Michael Moore, Raymond Olsen, Sandra Ziegleman. Mr.Briscoe also presented Public Speak- ing Bars to Claire Belliveau, Carole Gaudet and Suzanne Lemay. Principal of St.Martin's Separate School awarded Library Bars, assisted by Mr. D.Field, to Lita M. Boudreau, Suzanne Lemay, Karin Lundberg. He also awarded the members of Students' Council with bars, assisted by Mr.C .Rose. These went to Debbie Boyd, Bonnie Hamilton, Linda Hayes, Janice Mc- Innes, Alice J.McKechnie, James Mikus, Elizabeth Ojavee, Elaine Rajotte, Roger Rajotte, then the year book bars to Linda Hayes, Beth Hopper, Alice J.McKechnie, M.Mallais, Janis McInnes and Elaine Rajotte. Mr:. W.Farrell made a presentation to Ronald Falzetta who was the student representative at the Canadian Centennial Youth Exchange in Alberta last summer . Another musical interlude to be enjoyed was the appearance of the school's Glee Club to sing "The School Song and Stranger on the Shore." They were directed by Mr.Rose and accompanied by Joann Brown. (Continued on page 13)