THE NEWS 2 The complete electric heating story in a com- pact, colourful setting. Here's an opportunity for all the family to discover the benefits of clean, safe, flameless electric heating. See many types of heating units in decora- . 2settinas--operate them yourself. . Let the electronic computor show you how economical electric heating will be for your own home. The display is fully staffed with qualified personnel to answer all your questions on electric heating and electricity in the home. PLAN NOW TO VISIT ONTARIO HYDRO'S INFORMATION CENTRE AT SCHREIBER - ADJACENT TO TOWN HALL TERRACE BAY - BETWEEN POOL & REC .CENTRE MONDAY = JULY 26, 1965 - 1-9 P.M. SATURDAY = JULY 24, 1965 - 2- 10 P.M. TERRACE BAY HYDRO UTILITIES - - - SCHREIBER HYDRO COMMISSION NEWS FROM THE AGUASABON GOLF CLUB In the Red Rock Golf Tournament last weekend the Terrace Bay Golf Club was very well represented by the following entrants:- Emile Stokaluk, Jack Phil- lips, Bob Adamo, Al Pattison, Bill Hanley, Harold Marsh and Don Hencher. Emile and Jack came out with honours--Emile taking third prize in the Pro Division and Jack tying for second in the amateurs. The boys enjoyed the tournament and gained by the experience. Pressure in a tournament is always a deciding factor and this being the first tournament for most of the boys one can imagine how handicapped they were, especially when you consider that the golf course had mostly sand greens. In Port Arthur at the Country Club last Saturday Peg Wellings qualified for the CKPR tournament and in Sunday's play she came out with a prize. We are sure that in future we will be hearing a lot more of Peggy's golf and she should be congratulated on her showing in the CKPR tournament. In the local weekly tournament results were as follows:- Low Gross-Fred Anderson, Low Net-1st . Jack Thomas and 2nd Teddy Stachiw and 3rd Bob Adamo. High Hole-Béil Moon and Low Hole, Jack Wellings. Good news for local golfers is that the anticipated opening of the last two hole¢ (numbers 7 and 8) will be sometime in the next two weeks. The greens on these holes are in excellent condition with the fair- 'ways coming along and improving each day. The water line to the Course is being laid and the job. should be completed this week. This will facilitate Emile's work tremendously and make for more pleasant living in his present quarters. GOLF TIP FOR THE WEEK - The Long Pitch Shot The ball should be played about two inches in back of the left heel. Although in this position the ball may appear to be opposite the center of the s stance, actually this is an illusion due to the fact that the feet are close together, or should be. The shot is played mainly with the hands and arms, little pivot. FAREWELL PARTIES FOR BRUCE LARSONS Bun and Bruce Larson with their children Marilyn and Robby left last week to make their home in British Columbia, visiting enroute with her parents in Eagle River, Ontario. Before leaving Bruce was entertained Thursday evening at a Stag in the Moose Hall by his friends and co-workers when he was pre- sented with a wallet and purse of money. The same evening Nancy Geary was hostess to a party for Bun when her many friends atténding presented her with a sweater and their good wishes. Her school chums entertained Marilyn Larson at a Beach party at the Mouth of the River followed by a slumber party at the home of Mary Clare Coupal . The soundest way to progress in any organization is to help the man ahead of you to get promoted.