Page 8 THE NEWS PL ; April 29, 1965 and. written material each day since then. Although these were children who were difficult to place because of their ages, mixed racial back- ground, handicaps and religious restrictions, it is estimated that better than half the number of chil- dren found a new home and parents. FAREWELL PARTY (Continued from page 7) with a painting of the Mouth of the River and best wishes on their new home. The Electrical and In- strument Department made a presentation of a purse to Carl before -he left and the International Brother- hood of Electrical Workers presented him with a Circuit Tester. Doreen is vacationing with her family in Sault Ste.Marie this week, prior to flying to join Carl on Vancouver Island. HOW TO WASH AND DRY AN ELECTRIC BLAN- KET A Marketing feature from Ontario Hydro - Electric blankets require as little pampering as any other electrical appliance in your home to keep them looking and operating like new. If washed and dried properly before being stored for summer they will give many years of comfort and service. They may be washed in an automatic washer, in a wringer washer or by hand. Specific instructions for laundering an electric blanket may have been provided with either the blanket or the automatic washer or you may wish to follow these suggestions by the Ontario Hydro Home Service Bureau. Proper laundering methods differ considerably from those for ordinary blankets, to prevent damage to the fine network of delicate wires inside the blanket. An electric blanket must not be dry- cleaned because the fluids used in the dry-cleaning process may injure the insulation on the heating wires. Blankets should be washed one at a time. _Mea- sure length for easy re-shaping later. If the blan- ket is spotted or the binding soiled, pre-treat with suds of the washing compound and rub gently by hand or with a soft brush. Cover the plug with several thicknesses of cloth or with a terry towel face cloth and tie in place with thread. With automatic washers fill tub and dissolve Rosemary and Bill Sernesky and their family left last week to make their home in California. Before, they left Bill was entertained at a stag by his friends and co-workers, receiving a purse and a book of cartoons, the work of Lorne O'Neil. Rosemary and Bill were also surprised at a Farewell party at the home of Jackie and Gordon Calder. Rosemary was presented with a gift of jewellery and Bill with a visor kit, and the best wishes of their friends. HELP WANTED - MALE - Barman-waiter required for Terrace Bay Motor Hotel. Year round employ- ment - 42 nour week - good salary. Direct appli- cation or inquiry to Employment Supervisor, Kimber- ly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company, Terrace Bay. N\e- ontiacs. Real Buy! Both FOR SALE - '50 and '5l for $25.00. Phone 3535. Miss Evelyn St.Croix of LongLac is visiting this week at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Terry Dorland. Bonnie Dorland was home for a few days from the Port Arthur General Hospital School of Nursing, visiting with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. T .Dorland. REPORTER HONORED BY GOVERNMENT Helen Allen, staff reporter of 7 A '65 Renault It Seems... the Toronto Telegram, will be honoured by the Ontario Gover- nment next week for her work in promoting the adoption of Will Fit Right in With All Your Dreams, A Speedy Little Low-Priced Car, That Saves On Gas -- Yet Takes You Far, Be Warm at 35 Below hard to place children. Miss Allan will be prese nted In a 1965 Renault! \ ee with a Scroll of Congratulations by Premier John Robarts at a reception in Committee Room No.|, in the Parliament Bldgs. at 2 p.m., Wednesday, April 28. In June, 1964, the Telegram embarked on a campaign to find permanent homes for child- ren who were without parents and were the responsibility of the provincial and municipal governments of Ontario. Miss Allen undertook this assignment and produced a daily feature captioned "Today's Child." The feature has appeared with a different photograph ARRANGE 7° "Test Drive' A Renault RED WING MOTORS 17 Years at the Same Location Col Jolin and Secord Sts. For information Port Arthur, Ontario. Phone Terrace Bay - 825-3323.