e8 GUIDE-BROWNIE (Continued from page 7) a member. The Badge Secretary was absent but it was hoped her report would be in for the next meeting. Cookie Day Convenor Mrs. Jean Whalen reported on the sale and distribution of proceeds among the Compan- ies and Packs. Camp Convenor Althea Fraser re- ported a very active summer when both Guides and Brownies had attended varied camps. Mrs.Dorothy Coupal, as Social Convenor, had arranged for the Guide and Brownie suppers, supper for Mrs.Gunn's visit and the Gold Cord Tea. Report on the year's projects were presented by Mrs. Theresa Gaudet, Ways and Means Convenor. In the absence of Mrs.Marnie Hofland, Mrs.Hazel Lang read the Acting Uniform Convenor's list of supplies. The publicity report was given by Mrs. Jessie St.Louis in the absence of Mrs.Elaine Zwir. Mrs .lrene Kettle reported seventeen Brownie enrol- ments with five on the waiting list. Mrs.Mikus asked Guiders for their Pack and Com- pany reports. Mrs.Lang read the report of Pack one Brownies by Brown Owl Mrs.Rita Caccamo. Mrs. Jeannine Desrosier gave the report on Pack Twor Brownies for Brown Owl Mrs.Gladys Sitch and Brown Owl Mrs.Dorothy Thompson reported for her Pack Three which she had taken over last June. Guide Captain Mrs.Evelyn Falzetta reported for First Guide Company amd Mrs.Mikus read the re- port of Captain Mrs.C.Brant of the Second Guide Company. Nominating Chairman, Mrs.Fraser, listed her re- port and elections were held with the following results: Chairman, Mrs. Shirley Mikus - Vice Chair- man, Mrs.Hazel Lang - Treasurer, Mrs.Alice Farrow Secretary, Mrs.Betty Turner - Publicity, Mrs. Gertrude Cotton - Badge Secretary, Mrs.Margaret Simmer - Cookie Day Convenor, Mrs.Rita Ziegle- man - Camp Convenor, Mrs.Althea Fraser - Uniform Convenor, Mrs.Helen Brooks, - Social Convenor, Mrs. Jessie St.Louis - Ways and Means, Mrs.Hilda Hiebert and Mrs.Joyce Newell, Brownie Registra- tion, Mrs.lrene Kettle. Mrs.Mikus welcomed the new and returning members to the executive for 1965. It was agreed toleave the choice and arrange- ments of meeting place to the hostess of each meet- ing with due ; notice. Registration fees of $1 were due on October each year. Mrs.Mikus requested the new Badge Secretary to meet with Guiders to discuss testing. With the first project planned for Easter, a more immediate means of fund raising was discussed with tentative plans laid for a Valentine Tea and Cake Walk. The next meeting was arranged for February 22nd at 8:30 P.M. at the home of Mrs.Hazel Lang. Pa Mr.and Mrs.Lloyd Small had Mr.Al Mah of Mon- treal with them for a visit last week. Mrs.M.Page and Mrs. Hodgson of the District Health Unit were in town last week. a THE NEWS January 28, 1965 HOME AND SCHOOL (Continued from page ) Mr. Woodrow told parents that midterm examina- tions will be held in March but tests will be given this month and urged parents to see that students study in preparation for the tests. Two films were shown through courtesy of the East Thunder Bay Tuberculosis Association .and lunch was served by Mrs.John St.Jean and her committee. Mrs E.Lang agreed to convene lunch for the March meet- ing. X-RAY COSTS LISTED BY T.B.ASSOCIATION The East Thunder Bay Tuberculosis Association held a meeting in the home of President Mrs. T.P. Whent. A lengthy file of correspondence was read by secretary Mrs. N.A.McCuaig. Case finding chairman, Mrs.W.G.Furlonger, pre- sented her report which included the number of X-rays and costs from Referred Clinics from April 1964 to December, plus other costs. Included were Terrace Bay - 108 X-rays - $108, Fort William San- atorium = 43 X-rays plus film readings - $591.25, Beardmore - 63 X-rays - $97.50, Marathon - 29 X-rays - $29, Nipigon - 85 X-rays - $84.50, Schreiber - 69 X-rays - $207, Geraldton - 182 X-rays $182 - Longlac - 16 X-rays - $32, Hornpayne - | X-ray - $1.50. Christmas gifts were sent to all sanatorium patients in the District and pyjamas and clothing supplied. Mrs.W.G.Furlonger and Mrs.N.A.McCuaig visited patients and also, along with L.R.McCuaig, atten- ded a meeting in Port Arthur in September. Two films were obtained for showing to various groups in Schreiber and Terrace Bay. HIGH SCORES - LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE High scores for the month of December in the Ladies Bowling League were made by Gretchen Keat- ing 205 - Ida Krause 210 - Val O'Keefe 234, 246 - Doris Krause 236 - Marge Gerow 205 - Blance Gar- lick 200 - Lil Parent 247 - Jean Tremblay 202 - Bessie Scott 225. Team standings - M.Gerow 27 - V.O'Keefe 24 - Liz Prescott 22 - |.Krause 21 - Joan Costall 20 - Etta Gray 20 - Bea McBride 16 - Jean Tremblay 10. Mrs .Wilfred McLaughlin and infant son have re- turned to London after a month's visit with her parents Mr.and Mrs.N.A.McCuaig. Mrs. Brian Steward and Julianne left last week to join her husband in Crofton, B.C. Mrs. Stewart's parents, Mr.and Mrs.Walter Murphy accompanied them on the frip. Mrs.Con Duggan accompanied son Paddy to Toron- to where he will undergo surgery on his knee. Geo.Kouhi was in town Thursday with the North- western Co-op. Bookmobile for the exchange of books at the public library. Oscar Laine has his father, Mr.K.Laine of Port Arthur, with him for a visit. Mary Huard has left for Sudbury where she has ob- tained employment.