CENTENNIAL SYMBOL--The Centennial Com- mission has chosen this symbol to mark the cen- tennial of Confederation in 1967. It contains 11 equilateral triangles arranged together into a sym- bolic maple leaf representing the 10 provinces and the territories. Commission Selects Centennial Symbol OTTAWA --The ceniten:,arfist with the graphic a nial commission announced to-|firm of Cooper and Beatty, of aay a stylized maple leaf com- Toronto and Montreal. After it é : placed fourth in the competi- posed of 11 triangles will be the tion, the firm was commis- symbol for Canada's Confedera-|sioned to develop it more fully. tion centennial in 1967. he artist was stuart Ash. It was selected by the com-| The commission announces mission from 496 entries in ajthat the competition prize design competition, but placed|money was awarded to Gilles fourth in the judging. Centen-|Coutu, Montreal, $2,500; Heiner nial Commissioner John Fisher|Hageman, Pointe Claire, Que., said the symbols ranked first,|$1,000 and Harry Aslin, Mont- second and third were too much/real, $500. like commercial trade marks. Their designs were: two doves The symbol is copyrighted|of. peace, similar to the trade: and registered under the trade|mark of a paper firm; Coa-: marks act, It will be used by|centric Cs similar to. the -trade. the commission on its stationery|mark of a can company; and and advertising and its further|a C embracing 10 stars, similar' use publicly is being studied. |to the trade mark of a meat The design originated with an| packer. LOCAL POST OFFICE IN COST FINDING PROGRA Schreiber Post Office is one of 190 chosen across Canada to participate in a Cost Ascertainment Programme; others in North- ern Ontario are North Bay, Hornepayne, Mattawa, Astorville and Naughton. As a participant in the plan, postal employees in Schreiber will separate, count and weigh the various pieces of mail one day out of every twenty-eight. Totals will be forwarded to postal headquarters and there fed into a computer where results will be evaluated and studied. On the basis of findings from this sampling of Post Offices, from one totalling $450 in annual stamp sales to Toronto with an average $45,000,000 revenue, will come continued.... | improvements to the Schreiber Centennial Centre. The C.P.R. INAUGURAL MEETING OF TOWN COUNCIL The oath of office was taken by Reeve F.V.Harness, Council- lors J.P.Guina, H.J.MceParland and Clerk R.C.Skinner at the inaugural meeting of Municipal council. New member , Mr. McParland, was welcomed by the Reeve and Councillors. Listing considerations and improvements to be made during the year the Reeve said that projects such as seal coating roads in the community should be done by contract and prices investigated---- consideration should be given to repaving Alberta St. after th e pipeline is completed, this, he said, could possibly be done when the subway is paved. Arrangements should be started on the offi- cial opening of the new subway and he suggested that former Reeve W.E.Darcy, Hon.Geo.Wardrope and Douglas Fisher, M.P. be in- vited to attend. The waterworks dept.is in fair shape and present rates should keep the department healthy financially but he advised that the Dam should b e inspectéd in the Spring. He felt no change should be made in arrangements with the Health Unit. | Reeve Harness mentioned setting up the proposed District Asses- sor and requested authority for himself or/and Clerk to attend meetings pertaining to this. He also spoke on such matters as a spraying machine for the municipality--trading in No.2 truck on a new vehicle and police costs. He had received information that school grants were up and possibly the schools would be requesting less money this year. In closing he hoped the Township would progress and at the same time keep taxes down. Councillor Guina spoke on the Area and Subdivision contro} which he has advocated the past four years. He is pleased with the Health Unit but concerned about the District Assessor matter and felt more information on costs should be secured. The Town Hall heating system should be looked into and steps taken to cor- rect the existing situation. A discussion on summons issued regarding cars parked on streets while the plow operates took place. This will be discussed further at the police commission meeting. Appointments are as follows:- - R.C.Skinner, Clerk-Treasurer, Tax Collector for 1965; Ed.Borutski, utility man; Arnold Burns, caretaker; R.C.Skinner, interim assessor; F.H.Black & Co., audi- tors; Mrs.Inez McCuaig, ratepayers' representative to the public library board; §N.Jolicoeur, ratepayers' rep. to the citizens' rink committee. The Treasurer's bond was found to be in order and By- Law 457 for borrowing $60,000 to carry on town business pending tax collection, was passed. The Reeve and Clerk were authorized to make all fixed payments. The Township will continue to be a participating member of the Dis- trict Health Unit. Lib rary grant was set at $1,200 and rental at $800. Regular meetings were set for the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Remuneration for Reeve and Council'will be dealt with at the February meeting. Standing Committees are:- Finance, J.P.Guina and J.M. McGrath - Property, N.Jolicoeur and J.P.Guina - Roads & Bridge | H.J.McParland and J.M.McGrath - Waterworks, J.M.McGrath and N.Jolicoeur - Fire Dept., J.M.McGrath - Building Inspector, J.P.Guina - Police Dept., Reeve F.V.Harness, J.P.Guina and H.J.McParland. The Ontario Municipal Board sent information regarding neces- sary requirements before approval will be given for the proposed wrote concerning chlorination plant--a decision to be made later. Reeve informed Council he understood G .Figliomeni *& Sons continued ...