e 12 December 24 1964 In the spirit of Him Whose Day this is -- we say to you -- May the blessings of Christmas guide you and bide with you, always! Restaurant AT IMPERIAL MOTEL CLOSED CHRISTMAS EVE - 7.30 P.M. CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY - CLOSED NEW YEAR'S EVE - 7.30 P.M. Terrace Bay Ont. CLOSED NEW YEAR"S DAY - 3776 HERE AND THERE IN TERRACE BAY Phone Holly Berndtsson and Janice Gross will be home from the Lakehead Teachers' College to spend the holiday season with their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Berndtsson and Mr.and Mrs. John Gross. Miss Joyce Holland will spend Christmas at home in Fort William and also visit in Montreal over the holidays. Mr.and Mrs. N.Trach will visit with their famil- ies in Port Arthur over the holidays. Norman Vezina is home from Toronto visiting his parents, Mr.and Mrs.Willard Vezina. Mr.and Mrs. Vezina and Terry will accompany Norman back to Toronto Thursday and spend Christmas visiting with their son Willard Jr.and family. "Bill Garvin arrived home from the University of Manitoba this week to spend the vacation with his pa rents, Mr.and Mrs.John Garvin. Spending Christmas with the Ernie Kettle's are his pa rents, Mr.and Mrs.Percy Kettle and brother Allan of Port Colborne, Ontario. Mr.and Mrs. John Ferrier will have their daughter Betsy home from Toronto where she is in training at Toronto Western Hospital and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.and Mrs.John Waddington, with their daughter Janet from Lenock, Ontario, over the Christmas holidays. Janice Coe will be home for Christmas with h er parents, Mr.and Mrs.Harry Coe, coming from Toronto where she is in training at Wellesley Hos- pital, Mr.and Mrs.Ab Farrow left Thursday to spend the Christmas vacation visiting their daughter and son- in-law, Louise and Tom Smith and family in Sher- brooke, Quebec. Kay and Jack Anderson with Debbie and Ken arrived from Iroquois Falls to spend the Christmas season with their son Fred and her parents, Mr.and Mrs .F .Ford. Miss Joyce Raper goes to Toronto to spend the holidays with her family and friends. John Bird will go to Duncan, B.C., over Christ- mas to visit with his father and family. Kit Knauff arrived home from H.M.C.S.Corn= wallis in Nova Scotia where she has completed her basic training and on her return will go into Com- munications. Kit is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Cliff Knauff. Miss Denise Roy will go home to Port Arthur and also spend a few days in Toronto during the Christ- mas recess. Elizabeth and Jim Hayes will be home with their parents, Mr.and Mrs.B.Hayes. Both attend school in Port Arthur. Eddy Kenney will return from the Lakehead where he attends Port Arthur Collegiate and travel with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. R.T.Kenney and sister Colleen to visit with Mr.Kenney's parents in Elgin, Ontario and relatives in Ottawa and Kingston over the Christmas vacation. Phone 825-3268 - - Terrace Bay, Ontario re st e rem a i <<