Page 10 L.A. TO COMMUNITY CHURCH MEET Monday evening with Mrs. F. Gould accompanying the opening hymn. Mrs. D. Hersey read the Scriptures and led in prayer. President Mrs. V. Hopper welcomed eyeryone and | asked for the Secretary's report which was read by Mrs. J. Schritt. Mrs. H. Coe read the Treasurer's report in the absence of Mrs. A. Chisholm. The following convenors reported:= Sick and Visiting, Mrs. F. Sweet; Property, Mrs. H. Haughn; Manse Committee, Mrs. A. Farrow and Mrs. T. Young. Mrs. J.T. Dorland thanked those who donated and helped to make the Rummage Sale on Saturday, such a success. .Members decided to purchgse a new stove for the Manse, - following the report from the 'Manse com- 'mittee Introducéd' by Mrs. Hopper , the guest speaker Mr. W.F. Colborne, Principal of the Public School here, gave, d most interesting program, showing a film en- titled "Four Teachers". Mr. Colborne answered all questions on local educational problems presented by the ladies, and emphasized the high percentage of drop-outs throughout the High School years. A pro- gram of assistance to rural students is presently being proposed to the Government to help out where finances are a factor. Tea and sandwiches were served by Mrs. G. Galvin and her committee to close the evening. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The Catholic Women's League will meet on Sunday June 7th, at 8:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. A. Chadney on the passing of her father, Mr. James Clark Townsend May 1th in White Rock, B.C. Mrs. Chadney left immediately to attend the funeral services in White Rock. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Mrs. J. Sweet, and to Mrs. C. Gresdal, both re- cuperating in the Port Arthur General Hospital fol- lowing surgery. Lise Caron is home from McKellar Hospital, William, and recovering. Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Coe spent the weekend in Toronto attending the Graduation ceremony of their daughter Janice from Havergal College. A Gradua- tion dinner in her honor was held in the Imperial Room of the Royal York and was attended by Rev. Dr. Arthur Lavender and Miss L. Lavender of Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. McNamara of Islington, Fort The Terrace Bay Men's Chorus travelled to Winni- peg over the past weekend to take part in the Big Sing held there this year. Over four hundred voices were raised in song within the Civic Auditorium Saturday evening when the Metro Male Chorus of Winnipeg, i the host, were joined by the Male Choruses from Rochester, Eau Claire, Arion, Fort William, State Line, Hoyt Lakes, Knights of Columbus, South St. Paul and Austin. The National Anthem, and Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee were conducted by Bert Lohr and accompanied by Ellen Hodgkiss in the mass singing (Continued on bottom of the next column) THE NEWS Se a caapagreniemip rep seein nemmnente The Ladies Auxiliary of the Community Church met Mrs. J. Papus of Oshawa ard Miss K. Louk of Toronto. _ June 4, 1964 Front (I. tor. ) Mrs. Fraser, J. Muir, Mrs... Young, Mr. Farrow. Back (I. tor.) P. Murphy, Mrs. Muir, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Whittle, Mrs. Whittle. GRAND OFFICERS VISIT EASTERN STAR CHAPTER Officers of the Grand Chapter of Ontario, Order of the Eastern Star were feted at a banquet given by Silver Birch Chapter, in St.John's-'Church Hall . At the head table were Agnes:B. Young, Worthy Grand Matron, J.A.Muir, Worthy Grand Patron with Mrs. Muir, Ca tharine Whittle, Grand Chaplain and Mr.Whittle, Grace W.Jones, Grand Marshal, Peggy Murphy, Grand Electra, Althea Fraser, W.M., of Silver Birch Chapter, Rose Cringle, Assoc .Matron and Albert Farrow, Acting W.P. Grace was pronounced by Mrs.Jessie Macadam and the Toast to the Queen by Mr.A.Farrow. The Toast to Grand Chapter was given by Anna Laine with the Worthy Grand Matron responding. A toast to the visitors by Mrs. Vivian Hanna was res- ponded to by the Worthy Gr 'and Patron. A vote of thanks was given to the W.A., of St. John's Anglican Church who catered for the dinner. Silver. Birch Chapter includes members from both Schreiber and Terrace Bay. After dinner the members and their guests met in The Community Church, Terrace Bay, when a spec= ial meeting was presided over by the W.M., Mrs. A.Fraser and the Acting W.P., Mr.A.Farrow. During this meeting the Worthy Gr and Matron, Agnes B.Young, addressed those present. Other members of the distinguished group also spoke and all voiced their pleasure at being able to visit in this distrct. On behalf of the Chapter a gift was presented to Mrs. Young by Mrs. A.Farrow and to Mr. Muir by Mr. Farrow.. A tasty lunch, convened by Mrs. Marg Anderson and her committee, served from a lace covered table centered with abouquet of pink and green car- nations, concluded the evening. While here the party were guests in the homes of Mr.and Mrs. A.Farrow, Mr.and Mrs. Ted Young, -.Mr.and Mrs. H.Haugh and Mr.and Mrs. A. Fraser. and the Terrace Bay Chorus had as their solo number Kentucky Babe, which was extremely well received. Sunday the group went to Morris, Manitoba, home town of Bert Lohr and his wife. Here, under sponsor of the Morris Art Club, (Continued on Pagell