NOTICE BY-LAW 129A A By-Law to license and regulate dogs requires that from May Ist to October Ist each year, dogs must be tied up at all times and may not run at large A fine of $7.50 is provided fo: an infraction of the above. As from this date all dogs running at large will be impounded. W.F. Strutt Clerk-Treasurer Township of Terrace Bay CHAMBER of COMMERCE SPONSORING CENTENNIAL CONTES1 Watch next weeks News for details on the Centennial Project Contest sponsored by the Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce. The Township Council of Terrace Bay in agreement with the Federal and Provincial Governments are to erect a centennial pro- ject of lasting duration, the cost of which is to be borne equally by the three Governments to a total of approximately $6,000 or more. This is for the acquisition and construction of buildings, parks and other capital works, to act as a memorial of Canada's one hundredth birthday. Put your idea on paper and watch next weeks News for full de- tails - - it might be worth money to you. LEGION HI-LITES WANTED - War Souvenirs, Pictures, Paintings, Mementos etc. If any veteran in Terrace Bay has any of the above mentioned articles gathering dust in his home and wishes to donate them to the local Legion for display purposes, will they contact J. Cummin Ph 3347. Accepted articles will be suitably displayed with the donor's name attached. We feel a display such as this, not only will be a conversation piece but will add to the atmosphere usually found in Legions throughout Canada. "OUR MEMBERSHIP DRIVE" will start May Ist and all'Ex-Ser- vice Personnel' not directly connected with any Legion Branch will be contacted by : committee members. BUT DON'T WAIT TO BE ASKED! JOIN NOW. SUPPORT YOUR LEGION. TO THOSE LEGION MEMBERS WHO ARE AT PRESENT AF- FILIATED WITH OTHER BRANCHES - We ask that you investigate the opportunities in your local Legion Branch #223 and we feel certain that after doing this you will transfer your membership here and become a member of another working Branch, one of many thousands throughout Canada. THE LEGION IS ONLY AS STRONG AS ITS MEMBERSHIP. MAKE OURS STRONG. JOIN NOW!!! Local Legion members and their wives were visitors to Marathon Legion April 25th to participate in a District Dart Tournament. This is another first in area participation and will be held annually with the possibility of each Branch in the area hosting the tour- a ament. DON'T FORGET THE BOX SOCIAL AND DANCE MAY 8th 9.00 P.M. CURLING LOUNGE SUPPORT THE LEGION. | AN OPEN INVITATION Do YOU know that as a resident of Terrace Bay YOU may be- come a member of the Terrace Bay Public Library without charge. This is YOUR library and YOU should be proud that YOU have one of the most beautifui '"-raries on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Please come and browse around the library and see the 700 new books which have been chosen from the Northwestern Regional Co-Operative Library, plus the twelve new statues and also the most unusual fibreglass panel depicting the Four Men of th Apocalypse. To add to all of this, we have purchased many new books by famous authors. To make your library really unique, we have a wonderful selection of paintings by local artists. Your librarians will be pleased to help you to the best of their © ability with all your requests. LIBRARY HOURS - Mon. & Wed. 2.30 - 4.30 PM Tues & Thurs. 749 PM Adult & Teen Age Fri. 7-9 PM Children REPLY TO "A MOTHER OF" We were disappointed too at not getting either the promised pictures or write-up. If you'll phone 3747 we'll tell you all about OUR troubles. You are being very unfair to our reporter, Mrs. Cotton, who has tried in vain to get the details from the organizer. CWL CONVENTION (Continued) A pre-convention meeting will be held May 11th at 8 o'Clogk in the evening for all officers, directors and voting delegates. Re- gistration of delegates will begin at 7 P.M. Following Mass at 8 A.M. on Tuesday with Most Rev. E.Q. Jennings, D.D., Bishop of Ft. William celebrant, registration will take place. At 10 A.M there will be presentation of colors by the Guide Company. Two outstanding speakers and experts in the field of Cana Con- ferences and Family Life will give talks. Rev. A.L. Meloche, Harrow, Ontario, will give a talk on "Woman, The Teacher of Love" at the afternoon session and will be the guest speaker at the evening convention banquet. Father Meloche has chosen as his topic for the convention address "Woman's Role in the Church To-day". Mrs. Linus J. Maino, Detroit, Mich., will give her first talk at the Wednesday morning session on "The Gift of Woman". For her luncheon address, Mrs. Maino's topic will be "The Making of a Home". The Mass Celebrant for Wednesday morning's Mass will be Right Rev. A.J. Hogan, D.P., V.G., director of St. Agnes Parish council, Ft. William. The Diocesan Director is Rev. R. A. Carey, St. Hilary's parish, Red Rock and the Diocesan President is Mrs. A.A. Bedard. Election of officers will highlight the Wednesday afternoon session. A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the Diocese to attend the convention. REBEKAH LODGE MEETS Mrs. Jessie McCanna was acting NG for the regular meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge with Mrs. Mary Legault, PNG, as vice grand Mrs. Beth Macadam read the minutes and correspondence, the latter including a letter from Mars. Justine Buffet, Castlegar, B.C. Mrs. Buffet, who was initiated into the Rebekahs in Schreiber is now Noble Grand of Kingarson Lodge #75, and sent her good wishes to Ruby Rebekah. It was agreed to have initiation conducted at the first meeting in June. Several members thanked their Unknown Friends and the Lodge for flowers, gifts and cards received. Mrs. Margaret Gander reported on the Spring Tea and the vice grand reported presenting a farewell gift to Mrs. Isabel Hagan from the Lodge. Mrs. Jessie Macadam gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Gander the financial report. A donation was made to the Cancer Fund. Members of the degree team were advised that degree practice will be held at the May 13th meeting. CATHOLICE WOMEN'S LEAGUE MEET The Catholic Women's League held their regular meeting on May 4th in the Guild Hall with Mrs. S. Kusik presiding, fol- lowing the opening prayer by Father Cano. Mrs. ©.B. Fasan read minutes and correspondence, including a most appreciative letter from Father Odette, Ft. Frances, for generous donation of clothing for the Indian Mission there. A letter was also received from the Canadian Catholic League magazine regarding subscriptions. Mrs. Arni O'Keefe gave the treasurer's report. Father Cano spoke on the coming CWL Convention, stating thirty seven councils would be represented, from the Manitoba border to Marathon and urging members to attend the sessions. Following the convention, Father Meloche will remain to address a meeting here on the Cana Conference. He will speak to all other parishes in the diocese before returning to the east. Standing convenors were appointed as follows: Mrs. W. Cocks, Spiritual; Mrs. M.J.McGrath, Educational; Mrs. A. Furyk, Membership; Mrs. D. McGuire, Social Action; Mrs. W. Mullins, Radio & TV; Mrs. G.A. Scott, Public Relations; Mrs. E. Borutski, Report Forms Mrs. H. Prescott, Citizenship; Mrs. C. Pearson, Legislation; Mrs. H. Shack, Catholic Girls' Club; Mrs. R. Lindberg, Brownies; Mrs. G. Cataford, Labels; Mrs. L. Comeau and Mrs. S. Chicoine, Kitchen Committee. It was agreed to have the CWL meet and attend Communion in a body on the second Sunday of each month. Mrs. G. Walsh and Mrs. R. Campbell agreed to convene the Lion's Club Smorgasbord on May 22nd. A coffee hour, to follow the 9.30 and 11.00 A.M. Masses was planned for May 24th in the Guild Hall. It was de- cided to collect for both CWL dues and League magazine subscrip- tions at the same time. This year no contributions will be asked for cleaning the church. A letter will be sent to the Municipal Council suggesting that the ravine bisecting the town be turned into a small park, making it a beauty spot. Mrs. Cocks, Convention Convenor, outlined plans and stated registration at .50¢ will start at 9.30 A.M. on May 12th. Members were asked to attend a cleaning bee in the Hall on May 6th at 1.30 P.M. A letter of appreciation was sent to Giovanni Cebrario and his committee of men for the splendid job they had done in re-decorating the Guild Hall. Following the meeting, lunch was served by the executive. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cote have returned from Ottawa where Mr. Cote was attending University. Mrs. Raymond Bailey and Miss Claire Bailey of Ottawa are here visiting the Roy Bailey's and the Reg Bailey family.