December 14, 1961 ST,ANDREWS (Cont?d from Page 4) Christian Student movement, John Milton Society, Explorerts Group, Mission Band, C,G.I.T. and Organ Fund and Choir, Anyone wishing Church Pic- torial Plates may contact any member of the W,A, Following the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. F, Richardson Mrs, H.McBride and Mrs, D.Nes= bitt, ee . | ST. ANDREWS EVENING GROUP MEET The Evening Group of St,.' Andrews United Church held thei last meeting as a group before amalgamating into one group after January.1, 1962,,on Wed- nesday evening with Mrs. J,Mor-- ris presiding, The Devotional period was P, Petrushak, tor. and. Mission Band, bazaar, 5th with: exchange of gifts, tion in Toronto. this week, -- ie Pee ene ane enema day, December 11th, PHONE TA 5-3738 GENERAL ELECTRIC & WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES - all being sold at special pricess You'll save COMBINATION MIXETTE AND KNIFE SHARPENER -- This item has been widely ad-.. ¢ vertised on T.V, and in the presSe OUR 25.95 SPECIAL - ®@ JOASTERS»@ ---- ' COMMUNITY 'T.V. SERVICES under the direction of Mrs. W. Cringle and Mrs, Two. new members were welcomed - Mrs. B.McBride and Mrs, G,Holmes. The Card Secretary, Mrs, Petrushak, gave her report and Mrs, Holmes was named an Audi- Donations were made 'to the Sunday School Mrs. W.Cringle> gave a repo of recent Legion Banquet and Mrs. E, Ross and Mrs, E,Gerdon reported on recent: successful The Christmas party will be held on Jan, Hostesses will be _BeBesHeBs D.Kinney, B,Fadden and. J,McCanna, Mr, Alex Gordon and.Mr,.L.R.McCuaig will confer with officials of the Board of Rauge- Ye M,C.A. YOUTH DEPARTMENT OFFICTALLY OPENED Filling a long felt need in the life of the Community, the Schreiber Y,M,C.A, offi- cially opened a new Youth Department on Mon= Open. in effect during the period December 11th throug December. 16th, to which all are inyited. Situated in approximately half of. the front Lounge (including the fire place). plans.} are to have a large Club SO PBATRB» complete | on Christmas Gifts at. STUART!S]. CE IS LOWER '~ - ELECTRIC a ee r FRYING ' DROP IN AND SEE OUR COME LINE OF WASHERS - DRYERS - REFRIGERATORS - WALL-OVEN STOVES LIGHT FIXTURES , simile TERRACE BAY NEWS AE Aes "THE PROPER way (50 it? Page 7 -- I with Juke Box and two smaller lolub rooms. Designed to meet the needs of three age groupings -- boys and girls 9 years of age and older - iS WHAT WE TELL... High School Students of both TOPs Se CE SATISFACTION sexes~and young adults 18 to 30 a. / years of age. Provision is made jif the need arises, to make fur- ther group divisions. In addition to use of the Clu Room, membership fees will cover specified use of the bowling alleys at a very minimum charge, 'In addition to membership fees a Non-Interest Bearing Loan Bond Drive is being conducted, It is hoped that 100 - $25 bonds will be sold to individuals, Ser vice Clubs, etc., the funds from| which will be used only for es- tablishment of the Youth Depart-~ pent: i,e,, build: the necessary partition and equip the Club Rooms. : Cag Soe P Terrace Bay, Ontario ** PHONE TA 5<3305 \** { no er ee eee TURKEY. BOWL: TO BE AN ANNUAL AFFAIR What promises to be an annual affair has been started this year at. the Y.M,C,A, Bowl- ing Alley where an annual Turkey Bowl is. being run December, 18th to 23rd inclusive, |, Anyone who can roll a ball down the alley can 1 take part and prizes will de: Turkeys. ae cee ane anne NEW YEAR'S EVE WILL BE DRY It will be a dry New Year's Eve To? tea at least --in Ontario this year. Provinetial Secretary Yaremko told the legislature Thursday that no banquet permits will be issued either for New Year's Eve, which falls on a Sunday this year, or for the period beginning at/12,01 A.M. New Year's Day. He said no other arrangements are: being made to accommodate organized party-goers over t the he holiday. ee: She had unwrapped a beautiful 11 skunk coat which her husband had placed pepeayh the tree Se en ee ee Fos Bagh Se Foet SHS TT sna EE c E18 'Deasts Ashe ' remarked, "I don't ask fer thanks," replied her husband thut I do demand mespgete! nai PHIL STUART' S ELECTRICAL ~ BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE. (opposite Moose Hall) TH \CE BAY, ONTARIO = SKIL- hp-Lock ATTACHMENTS : ie We hat fe a full line of these wonder LIYE "tools, including 1/4" drills - all AWD specially priced!} RADIOS We have the very newest in table radios - 5.and 6 tube, also. 8 tube AF & AM, THESE ARE SPECIALLY PRICED FO CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING - A GI THAT WILL BRING MANY HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT, COBFEE FU Co @ ° IRONS eo & LAMPS... ET CETERA,