acta nc geese ett AEE AAINSE Ta ane REE i eEAIOE - Serres rere. oCGCUunK Ee I Per NEW. CHURCH BUI L DING COMMITTEE. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Cont'd from Page 2) Correspondence included two letters of resignation, one from Mrs, H. Lafontaine and the other from Mrs, M, Husband, both accepted with regret, Annual reports for the 1961 term were given. Treasurer's report by Mrs, A. Farrow- Mrs. E, Connors reporting 167 paid up members Annual Show by Angus Fraser detailing the prize list from local and district supporters which contributed largely to the success of the annual event, In the absence of Mr. St. Louis the rresident spoke on the Junior Gardens project, with its ever-increasing membership and successful show entries, Works rrogram Chairman A. Fraser reported on the community planting undertaken tuis year with shrubs and flowers supplied and planted by the Society for the Hospital, Community Triangle and the Cemetery. Soils and Fert- ilizer Chairman A, Farrow reported on purch- ases of Jiffy Pots, Fertilizers and soil. salaples and. A. Desrosier described the enlarg ed Test.plots with more available for the 1962 summer and the good yields reported this past season, Auditors report was given by V. Hoppers Minutes of the Annual meeting . were read by the Secretary G, Cotton and the President in giving the summation, thanked hi past executive for their efforts, On behalf of the Society Mrs, E. Connors presented Mrs, Cotton with a beautiful ChiY.santhemum plant, Door prizes were drawn for by Mr. G. Maitland which included three jlants and seven bottles of Dixon=Reid Fertilizer. As the members enjoyed coffee and lunch convened by Mrs. Connors and her © puahetee » CREDIT UNION HOLDS DANQUET AND MEETING -Moose Hall prior to holding their Thirteenth 'Annual meeting. 'League Director and International Credit Mr, A, Farrow and Mr, T. Brown entertained | the group with lovely colored slides. _. Members and guests of the Terrace Bay. Community Credit Union Limited sat down to a Banquet Friday evening in the Terrace Bay M.C. for the occasion was the President, Mr. A. Farrow, who called upon the Rev. J.R. Anderson to. pronounce Grace before he proposed the Toast to the Queen. Head table guests were introduced by Mr. Farrow as Mr. J. Zubiak of Waterford, Ont., the new Field Man for this Credit Union League District and Mrs. Zubiak, Rev. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. M, Campbell, Manageress, Mr. A. Ziegleman, Secretary, and Mrs. Ziegleman, Mrs, Farrow, Mr. H. Dixon, Union Director, Mr. D. Brearley, Treasurer, and Mrs. Brearley, Mr. Harry Miles, Fresident of the Lakehead:Chapter and Mrs. Miles, Mr. D. Evans-Smith, representing the Town Council - and Mrs, Evans Smith,: Mr. D. Joyal, Secretary of the Lakehead Chapter and representative of Cuna Insurance, and Mrs. Joyal, Mr. V.!Hopper, Vice Pres. and Chairman of the Delinquent -- Loan Committee, Mr. S. Boyd, President of the, Terrace Bay Kiwanis Club Incorporated and Mrs Boyd, Mr. A. Fraser, Chairman of the Super- | visory" Coimittee, and Mrs. Fraser, Mr. W. | Vezina, | Chairman' of the Credit Ocmmittee and Mrs, Vezina. 1lso bringin: "reetings were out of teyn guests Messrs. J. Homann; V. Quinlan ani Sob Wilson from Marathon, Mra and Mrs, C,.Sparkes from Schreiber an. Mrs. ie | semen een xennette from Manitouwaize (Cont'2 iaze 9)