TERRACE TERRACE BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH -- Rev, J.Raymond Anderson 9,00 A.M. - Sunday School, Grades 2 and 3 9.30 A.M, ~ Sunday School, Grade 4 and up 11.00 A.M, - Beginner's Sunday School 11.00 A.M, -- DIVINE WORSHIP: ~ "Prison Bars and Dancing Feet" 7.00 P.M, -- EVENTIDE SERVICE - "The Faiths By Which Men Live" 8.00 HI-C Meeting i | ST,MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev, Dean E.A, Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P,M, and 7-8 P.M, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 9 A.M. ST.MARTIN*S PARISH LIBRARY Open from 2 to 3 P.M. every Saturday ROSSPORT | ST. JOHN. BERCHMAN?S CHU i RCH Mass every Tuesday at.7.00 P.M, GOSPEL MISSION Sunday School at 2 P.M. every Sunday Mrs.R.Hales and son have returned after a motor trip with her parents, Mr.& Mrs.Austin _Routilier to visit her sisters in Nova Sootia Ralph Fraser celebrated his 5th birthday {on November 6th with a mid-day lunch party. | Sister Lois Ann and Diane Billings assisted | with the games and in serving the lunch. The Ladies of the Moose are. reminded of the Button Contest, Entries are to be brought to the meeting on December 6th and a prize will be awarded for the best design. R. He Scowen attended the wedding of his son Dennis to Miss Sharon Hill of Newmarket, Ontario. The wedding took place at Landsdown Ontario on November 24 and was conducted by Rev, Wesley Herbert, brother-in-law of the bride. The bridesmaid was Miss Joyce Bell and the best man was Mr, John Scott, A reception was held in Newmarket on Saturday evening when a large number of relatives and college friends gathered to extend their best wishes to the bride and groom, GUIDERS CLUB. MEETS Mrs, Adelaide Beauliaa . was hostess Monday evening to the regular meeting of the Terrace Bay Guiders Club. In the chair was Mrs. Lois Downey with minutes recorded by Secretary Mrs, Barbara Peterkin. Discussion showed the need for two Packees in each, Pack and it was agreed Pack One would be in charge of the Winter Fly Up which will be held Dec. .6th in the High School Auditor- ium at 6.45 P.M. Individual Christmas parties would be held by the three Packs with Pack | three announcing. they would have a siall gift exchange and their decision to. make Scrapbooks for the Hospital as their Good Deed project, The Guiders felt they must emphasize at _ their meeting the importance of a good turn- | out at Church Parade, and Mrs, Beaulieu. led a | ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE TON IOP\C Y BAY NEWS ~ November 30, 1962 ems tin -nnsaeteemsamerese wo ca na a aman a tm, SCHREIBER ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. R.J.S, Inshaw - Holy Communion - Family Service - Morning Service - Evensong ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R. Crook A.M, - Sunday School A.M, - MORNING SERVICE - P.M. - Bible Study HOLY ANGELS CHURCH -- Rev. J.M.Cano Daily Mass - 7.30 A.M, Saturday Mass - 9,00 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4.30 to 5,30 P.M. and 7.30 to 8.30 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES - 8.00 - 9,30 and 11.00 A.M, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH -- Pastor M,Kaija 10,00 A.M. - Sunday School - every week -7,00 P.M, .- Evening Service - 2nd and 4th Sundays. Bible study on Fridays following Sunday service. GOSPEL MISSION - Mr,Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11 A.M. - Family Hour 7. P.M. - Gospel Service Wednesday - 7 P.M. - Prayer Meeting discussion on the wearing of the Guide and Brownie uniform, No part of the uniform is to be worn outside of meetings and parades. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrss May Caldwell on January 15. Lunch was served by the hostess to conclude the meeting. A Christmas'Tea, with Bake Sale, Candy Table and Variety Table will be held by the Junior Choir members of the Terrace Bay Com- munity Church Saturday afternoon, December 2 from 2 to 4, 'The children have had their The Afternoon and Evening Groups of the Ladies Auxiliary .of Community Church will meet on Monday, December 4 at 8,15 P.M. for their Christmas program, Members are request ed to bring a good, used or new toy, gift wrapped, which will be presented to the Boy Scout Toy Chest, for their distribution to needy children of the District. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Mr. Harry Goodfellow was returned to. the office of President of the Horticultural Society in Terrace Bay by acclamation Tuesday evening, during election of officers for the 1962 term, His executive will be made up of lst Vice Pres. J» Steen, 2nd Vice Frese Ge Valiquette, Directors elected for a one year term weret Weds Slater of Schreiber and Ted Brown, for a two year term Mrs. S. Matuszak, Mrs. Ee Connors, Mr. H.L. Ward, Mrs. R. Boyle and Mr, A. Desrosiers. Officers remaining on the exeoutive for another term weret Ae Farrow, L. St. Louis and H. Hermes. By previous appointment Mrs. G. Cotton and Mrse A. Farrow serve as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Mr, Goodfellow expressed his appreciation at re-election and hoped for another succes*~ .ful year with the Society. (Cont'd Page 8) j singing recorded and the music will provide an enjoyable background for the afternoon event, | | | J | | pdeciantisineeaitt tec '