_ October 20, 1960 a en er TERRACE: BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation covers Terrace Bay, Schreiber and District. News deadline for advertisements is NOON each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, °°" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified Ad: 2¢ per word - Minimum - 40¢ Card of Thanks or Announcements: 3¢ per word - minimum of $1,00, Invoicing charge, 25¢ FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, POLISHERS, Parts and _ Service, contact EMIL SEPPALA dealer, 325 Argyle St., Pt.Arthur, Ont, PHONE DI 4-1173, FOR SALE - Top Quality Beagle Puppies - also very small Chihuahua puppies, Male singing Canaries and baby budgies. Phone MA 2-7978 or J.E.Kelso, Fairview Rd., R.R.2, Fort William. FOR SALE - 20 Cu.Ft. Home-made Freezer $135, Phone 3305, FOR SALE - four pair figure skates--sizes 1l- 13-25 and 4, Phone 3330, APARTMENT FOR RENT - five-room apartment available November Ist. Telephone 500 Schreiber, ANYONE WANTING Month-old kitten(s) please 'call 3730. FOR SALE ~- 1950 Meteor also Oil Space Heater and four burner Moffatt Electric Stove. Phone 663, Schreiber, FOR SALE - '48 half-ton Dodge Truck, R, Walter, Phone 3502, FOR SALE ~ 1 Bvinrude-Elto Cub Outboard Motor, App. 1 H.P., suitable for a canoe or small Contact boat. Motor Mount for canoe included. Price $35.00, Contact S, Reid or Phone Schreiber 252. FOR RENT - Gpatsirs or room for girl, 443 Superior. WANTED TO BUY - a used Coleman @il Heater, Phone 741, Mrs. Dick McNiel, Apply PLAN TO ATTEND THE HALLOWEEN DANCE OCT. 28th. QCMPLETE RINK SKIP __ SECOND SIGNED «2. A teense seen INDIVIDUAL APPLICATION FORM POSITION YOU WISH TO PLAY SKIP THIRD ARE YOU A NEW MEMBER YES TERRACE BAY NEWS APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP TO CURLING CLUB SECOND.. NO yee HOUR 'Ho TEL tR, ONTARIO PRINCE PorRT ARTH! When visiting the Lakehead plan on making the PRINCE ARTHUR MOTOR HOTEL your headquarters. Room accommodation from $5,25 single and up. Special weekend family rates. MODERN DINING ae & COFFEES RH "phGtae Wettig GoRRR for eat comtorte. 42a n Ai Wee Webhér orbs ne oTEL RINT TTSETTTUOOUIT ATU MTTTTTOTTTUNU OOO NO a ee YUE OU ODN OTTO NOTICE TC LIBRARY SUBSCRIBERS In an effort to relieve the congestion caused by the steadily increasing circulation of books being taken out by adults and children for the week-end reading oe the library will be open to adults only on Thursday even- ing of each week Cncludine _ school students), and to children only on Friday evening of each week. This new schedule will go into effect during the week of Monday, October 31st, FAREWELL PARTIES (Cont'd from Page 2) A gathering of the Bleachery Department from the Mill and their wives feted the Newells, Charbans and Olsens early in Septem- ber before the trek began. Rev. and Mrs. J.R.Anderson have had as their guest the past week, Mrs.Anderson's sister, Irs, Clarence Davis of Médicine Hat, Alberta while enroute to Toronto, Mrs.Davis accompanied her Mother, Mrs.A.McFarlane who has come to make her home for the winter with the Anderson family. Susie and Judy Graham were visitors last week with their grandparents,. Mr.& Mrs.R. Pugh and aunt and uncle, Mr.& Mrs.R. Koziy in Fort Willian, THIRD LEAD LEAD LC te en APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE TURNED IN TO ANY EXECUTIVE MEMBER OR TO KENT JOHNSON, MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN BY NOVEMBER 10, 1960, ENTRY FORMS WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON MILL & RECREATION BULLETIN BOARDS THE GIRLS OF C.G, oT. Te , WILL BE SELLING "HALLOVETEN KISSES. "DooR TO DOOR FRIDAY, OCT, 21