rage 4 TERRACE SKI CLUB HOLD WORK. PARTIES EVERY. SATURDAY Working parties at the Schreiber Ski Club started May 7th, There will be work parties every Saturday from 1:30 to 5 P Me through the Spring, Summer and Fall, All members are asked to please try their best to,make it out.to, these work. parties, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEMBERS ENJOY DEMONSTRATION The Schreiber: Women's Institute sponsored the visit of Miss M,McInnis, Ontario Depart- ment.of Education Extension Branch, Home Economics Service, when she held.a demon- stration. on "Sandwiches for All Occasions", the, demonstration was 'held in St.John!s Church» Hall, Mrs, J,Corbett was in charge of advance preparations and assisted Miss McInnis, She gave points in sandwich making-- sandwiches for the .lunch box-=fancy or party sandwiches--Pin Wheels==-Frosted loaves=~ checkerboards, cornucopias and fold-ups-- open face and Sandwiches baked in the oven . and. served with a mushroom,sauce,...A variety of fillings were used and those present had the opportunity of sampling the assorted tidbits. Mrs. R.Macadam and Mrs., A.Slater assisted in serving and Mrs. E,0'Connor made the tea. Mrs. W.Thrower attended the cash bow. PARISH DINNER TO HONOUR BISHOP JENNINGS... The Catholic Women's League of Holy Angels Church held their regular meeting on May 8th SCHREIBER PHONE 115 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, ; | ies A FULL RANGE OF SPEEDY STURDY WAGONS FOR THE ACTIVE BOYS AND GIRLS, WE HAVE IN STOCK SIX POPULAR SIZES FOR YOUNGSTERS 4 TO 12, RADIO TOT - Bright red all metal coasters, with safety-rolled edges and rubber tired . metal wheels s59Q™ mi: 510 95 WERLICH ~ streamlined Air-Flow wagons made of selected hard maple--well constructed steel | frame and TAPS, tired dise wheels $7.95 $8.95 $9.95 9055.5) $12050.. 'Tricycles FOLLOW THE LEADER ~- PERFECTLY SCALED AND DESIGNED SIDE. * wt f . WALK TRICYCLES, PRONZE BEARINGS-- HEAVY. WIDE-FLANGED, FORK ADJUSTADLE- "TYPE SPOKED WHEELS, DIFFERENT SIZES FOR DIFFERENT. AGE GROUPS, $10.95 $16.95 $22.95 $26.95 BAY NEWS -- May 12, 1960 HERE & THERE IN SCHREIBER in the Guild Hall with fifty-five members pre- | sent. Mrs. H.Shack presided and Father Cano | opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes | were read by' Mrs, P.Pegoraro and correspondence was: read by Mrs. D.McGuire. -A letter of resignation from Mrs, G,.Cataford as Spiritual Convenor, was read. Her resignation is due to ill health, °Mrs.°D, Souliere gave the' Treasurer's Report. Other Convenors reported as fol levei~ | Spiritual, Mrs.Cataford - Education, Mrs.i R.Sisson - Citizenship and Eduéation, Mrs, G. McParland = Social Action, Mrs,A.s Moorey - Membership, Mrs. J,C.Gagnon - Catholic Girls! | Club, Mrs. S.Kusik - Radio & TV, Mrs. B, | Paradis - General Sewing Convendr" -~ Mrs, L, Bourke - Posters, Mrs,C.Duggan -- "Kitchen | Utilities, Mrs, W.Lewicki, Mrs, M.Perriault was appointed as ert Convenor, replacing | Mrs,.Cataford, A Bake Sale will be held in J,Cebrario | Hardware Store on _ 2Ist*with Mrs.A.Moorey | as Convenor. Delegates names to attend the Diocesan { Convention in Sioux Lookout on May 12th to | 14th are Mrs. H.Shack and Mrs. J.C.Gagnon. i Mrs.B,Paradis will be in-charge-during Mrs. | Shacks absence. A wind-up banquet for League ! Members will be held in the Schreiber Hotel | in June, A Parish dinner for His Excellency; Bishop | Jennings will 'be held following Confirmation on May 15th. Representatives from churches and organizations will be invited to attend. Father Cano spoke briefly, commending the Mothers of the Parish, this (Cont'd Page 7) p?) 4] Jor the Fishermen Your outdoor living will be more fun if ~ i. you check your fish- "TH ing tackle then come along to CHAPPLES and select your fish- ing supplies. We have wonderful selections in FLY, _ SPINNING, BAIT CASTING, RODS & REELS, HOOKS---ALL SIZES, | | | | j | INSECT REPELLENT--FLIES--DREELS--PAIT BOXES-~ PLUGS--SPOONS and SPINNERS~-LEADERS. and. . i SINKERS AND } for convenience and comfort when Pi ce carry LIFE JACKETS--SLEEPING RAGS--COMPASSES--- GAS and BATTERY LAMPS AND LANTERNS==PORTABLE STOVES--TABLES & CHAIRS~~PACKSACKS---HUNTING and POCKET KNIVES, ia 4 i | | | } esis | | Springtime» ts. feomlin Jie NOW'S THE TIME TO: CHECK YOUR GARDEN AND LAWN TOOLS, THERE'S ALWAYS. ROOM FOR» IM- PROVEMENT, "COME AND VISIT OUR TOOL AND SEED DEPARTMENT AND SELECT. HOES, -, RAKES SPADES - CULTIVATORS - HOSE' - ET CETERA, QUOTATIONS Jur Stor CAJE on REQUEST 2% FAIR VALUATION, CHARGES $1.00, MINIMUM $3.00, HANDLING EXPERT REPAIRS,