THE CORPORATION OF: THE ~ TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO "CONTEST. FOR A TOWNSHIP CREST' Sin cccnnetttedoonen + aaebedonen Secs kdaeaenntonsoneeeeee "Chacala Council at their,last meeting decided that it was time they had a Municipal Crest, and per- mission was granted to stage a contest for the drawing of same, a prize of $25.00 for the winning 'entry, ee ee 1, Contest to be open to all residents of The Corporation of The Township of Terr- ace Bay, Ontario or the sons or. daughters of said residents, 2. Entries to be submitted in a size of 3 feet by 3 feet, eithér in black and white or coloured, A written explana- tion, on a separate piece of paper must be attached to the entry, as to why such a theme was chosen; and the name of the contestant to be placed in a sealed en- velope attached to the back of each entry, 3, Entries to be addressed and delivered to the Contest Chairman at the Municipal. Office during working hours, and all entries must be in by 5:00 P.M, Friday, May 20th, 1960 when contest closes, 4, Judging will be on originality rather than painting merit, 5, Preliminary judging to be done by Coun- cil members. 6, Final. Judging to be done by outside judges Council, Winner to be announced in Terrace.Bay News, Deci- sion of Judges final, (Signed) "D,H, Evans-Smith" Contest Chairman, FOR Sal - Westinghouse Belvedere combination Radio and Record Player-~blond finish; also one grey hostess chair--both in.good eondi = tion. Call 3650 or can be seen at 543 Lake- war aus . Ur .& Mrs, Jack Thomas with Bonnie and Judy motored to Niagara Falls, New York for an Haster vacation with their son Dick and fam- S-I-N-G-E-R'-S te itis yc deme peg Amicitia "mci eer el emis iA nan ce ld tsa Sian = 4 I A a NR ne 8 AeA pe sn 2 nee as eeennneneeee eee THAT RUSSELL McBRIDE OF SCHREIBER HAS BEEN APPOINTED DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. AND IS READY TO GIVE SERVICE: AT ALL TIMES. © JUST. PHONE 143, ALL THE LATEST. SINGER EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR DEMONSTRATION. «Liab TED PSE TT TR TTT BRACE BAY NEWS The Council would donate De ELE er Dabs OE UP tte TTT ee eet eT | Page 7 --_ ily. Completing the family circle for Easter was their'son Bill on leave from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and another' son Kit, from the | Marine Pear in NSE SOLS» "Viz gt» Elsie and Axel Berndtsson, with Holly and Darlen¢ Larson motored to Dryden to spend Easter week with Elsie's parents, Mr.& Mrs, E ss Our sympathy is extended to Dr, Ae end Miss L,Lavender on the passing of their be- loved daughter-ineLaw and niece, Mrs. Olive Lavender in Toronto on Fridays A party was held Saturday evening in the Curling Club Lounge to celebrate the twenty~ fifth wedding anniversary of Kay and Beggie Thorsteinson. On arrival Kay received a cor- sage from her daughter Dodi and Beggie re- | ceived a boutonniere from another daughter, Mavis. Mr.une Ostling presented the couple with a Kroshler Chair and congratulations on be- half of their family and friends, Kay also had her Mother, Mrs, F,Higgens of Schreiber with her forthe evening. The table, covered with an ecru lace cloth, | held a two-tier wedding cake surrounded by , white tulle and flanked by silver candleabra holding white tapers and red and white carna- tions in silver bud: vases. The Lounge was gayly decoratediwith white streamers and bells: Following a social evening and dancing the guests enjoyed a turkey buffet supper served by Mrs .P,Romaniuk and Mrs, S.Synishin. 'The Punch Bowl was presided over by Rune. Ostling. and Bill Hanley and guests .books were circu- lated by Mavis Godin.and Dodie Burnside, The Guiders Club met at the: home of Mrs. C,Sitch Monday evening, April 18th with nine Guiders present. Jirs,liwMantey chaired the meeting and Mrs, L,.Downey read the minutes. The next Fly-up has been set for June 15th and, in future, fly-ups will be held in June and January only. An open discussion period was held:with many problems of Guides and Brownies being ironed out. The next meeting will be held on amen 19th at the home of Mrs, M,Mantey. A A a I OE er mene mee FISH & GAME ASSOCIATION" The. next Hunter Safety. Class will be held Friday, April 29th at 7 P.M, at the Curling Lounge. ; BOTTLE: DRIVE SATURDAY This Saturday afternoon, the Terrace Bay Teen Town will canvass the -town for all types of beverage bottles. DON'T THROW THEM OUT!I Here's your chance to get rid of them and to support: a-worthy cause at the same time, If they are loose «or in hard-to-get-at places, we'll be happy to dig them out and pack them up. THAT'S THIS Sis TURDALE uF TERNOON. CARD OF THANKS)... I wish-to thank the Autos and. Staff of Terraces Bay Hospital for the wonderful way I was treated while a patient. I would also like to especially thank Doctors: McCausland and Whiteside for making my recovery so rapid. liy wife and I shall be forever grateful. to them, We would also like to cen GS apporals,