i 'sg if sh é AY sf} 2 , i a. dive SARS Terrace Bay Vol.3, No.l © | January 7,-1960 | Circulation le Schreiber 5 -- _ ald CHAPLEAU JUVENILES TO eee SATURDAY WELCOME HF SE , bc tite! Hi FE The Chapleau Juveniles will be playing ; ; nina . &4. tee Terrace Bay Juveniles here at 6:00 P.M. on tO Listrict _ bs y Saturday, January 9th, Due to the above mentioned game it is \ j | , aN CHANGE IN ARENA SCHEDULE | New Years a as oe | tis : oo , necessary to make a change in the Saturday Babies 'MeSeat da Arena Schedule. : i | as -Bantam House League, schedules for 6:00 P.M. has been cancelled, Public skating, scheduled for 7 to 9 P.M, will be held from The first babies born in the year 1960 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. instead. 'added to the numerous sets of twins already _ / living in Schreiber. To Mr. and Mrs, K.D, BROOMBALL 'Ross of that Town a son and daughter arrived 'on January 2nd. A few years ago the first 'There will be a meeting of all those itbaby! to arrive in Schreiber at New Year's interested in broomball in the small room |was also twins. of the Recreation Centre at 7 P.M, on Friday. The Stork didn't bring any babies to Purpose of the meeting is to finalize teams, {Terrace Bay until the following day, January schedule and rules, i 3rd, when-a son was delivered to Mr. and Mrs, |. IF YOU WANT THE BROOMBALL LEAGUE TO OPER- 'Austin McMillan, .. ATE WELL, BE AT THIS MEETING. The Women's Institute of Schreiber will Immediately after the meeting, a fight 'again arrange a party for the proud parents film and the 1959 Stanley Cup Playoffs will be cand gifts donated by local merchants and shown in the large meeting room, 'others will be presented to them at that time, | As in past years the Terrace Bay Kiwanis RED ROCK ROYALS TO PLAY HERE SUNDAY 'Club will entertain the parents. of the local 'New Year's Baby and suitable gifts, donated Let's all get out this Sunday to support 'by various concerns and the Club will be the Superiors in their bid to retain first 'presented, place in the N.S.H.L, The Supes will play , We salute the babies of the New Year and host to the Ked Rock Royals, - game time congratulate the parents, 1:30. P.M, . 'NEW_SHOPPING HOURS ANNOUNCED BY L & L STORE SKI_ INSTRUCTION TO START IN SCHREIBER | The L & L Food Market in Terrace Bay are ' Ski Instruction will start at 1:00 P.M, on ithis week inaugurating a late shopping night January 16th at Schreiber Ski Club, Anyone with the announcement that their store will interested in taking lessons contact Alan 'remain open on Friday nights. Holmes before that date. Phone 104 Schreiber, , In line with the growing tendency of re- i 'tail outlets across the country the L & L ONTARIO TO UNDERTAKE $15,000,000 ROAD PROGRAM will remain closed all day Monday, thereby giving their staff a full two-day-a-week Ontario will undertake a $15,000,000 pro- 'holiday. _} gram for the construction of northern resource The store will no longer be closed on roads under an agreement with the Federal "ednesday afternoons. This means that cus- Government signed recently. Hon,Alvin Hamil- tomers can now shop from 9:15 A.M, to 5:30 P.M,| ton, P.C., Federal Minister of Northern Affairs -n Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday and National Resources, and Hon,James N.Allan, v 'and from 9:15. A.M. to 8:30 P.M, every Friday, | Provincial Treasurer and Chairman of the Min- : --_--+--_--------| ing and Access Roads Committee signed on HUDSON RAY COMPANY GROCETERIA CLOSES behalf of the Federal Provincial governments ; which will share the cost of the program which 4 j Another era in the history of Terrace Bay will continue until March 31, 1967, ended on December 3lst with the closing of Six resource roads are named in the agree- che Hudson!s Bay Groceteria, ment for a total length of some 335 miles, _ The first store to open in the Community In anticipation of the agreement work was about twelve years:ago, the store was first undertaken during the past year on the first situated in the South Camp until the com- sections of several of these roads with an pletion of their present quarters on Simcoe expenditure of some $2,500,000, Additional Plaza. roads may be agreed upon following the comple- __The.area formerly used as a Groceteria tion of aerial photographic and magnetometer will provide addition. space for displaying surveys. The agreement provides for construc- nardware, appliances, et cetera, tion of the following roads: -- Savant Lake South -- Foleyet to Chapleau =~ "{AVE YOU SENT A DONATION FOR THOSE TB SEALS? Minaki South -- Nakina to Cavell to Durer Lake see pag