Page 2 TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr. A, Lavender 9,30 A.M. - Senior Sunday School 11.00 A.M... - Beginners Sunday School, The Afternoon Sunday School has been dis- banded. Grave 1 children will attend the beginners Sunday School-at 1] A.M, and Grade 2 children will go to the Senior Sunday School at 9,30 A.M, 11,00.A,M,..- MORNING WORSHIP ' "Thanks Be Unto God" 7.30 P.M, .- EVENING SERVICE The October meeting of the Church Board will be held in the Sunday School room at Sith. ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH ~ Rev.Dean E,A.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in the evening, SUNDAY ~ Masses 8.15 and 10 A.M. Evening Devotions - 7,30 P.M, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M, TOU AN TOWNIOPRICS Keith Sitch has enrolled at the Lakehead College for. the coming term. Mr.& Mrs. C,Sitch returned home Sunday from a vacation in Detroit, Michigan, Peter Adamo and David Lohr have enrolled in Waterloo University for the next term Jack Marsh is also a student at Waterloo. Jordy Partington celebrated his birthday on Sept.24th with the aid of twelve boy friends, His Dad entertained the boys with lively outdoor games before Mrs,Partington served the birthday supper, The regular meeting of the Catholic Wo- ments League will be held once more in St. Martin's Separate School on Sunday evening, Members are 'reminded this is also Communion Sunday, The ladies are requested to bring their aprons for the Fall Bazaar. COOKIE DAY THIS SATURDAY The Guides and Brownies will be around Saturday morning delivering the Cookies for their Annual Cookie Day Sale. Please try to have the right change ready for these young saleswomen, Dot and Ozzie Dalzell of Scarborough, Ontario, while the guests of Pat and Clarence Duck this week, are having a busy and enjoy- able time with old acquaintances in Terrace Bay. Our'hats are off to Ozzie, who; in the five short, years since he was Kecreation Director in Terrace Bay, has advanced to Commissioner of Recreation and Parks in Scarborough, Mr, C,.J.Haviland arrived frou Rondeau, Ontario on Sunday to visit with his son Chuck Haviland and family, Mr. Vernan Kehler and Mr.,Oscar Halverson TERRACE BAY NEWS SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES ~-- October 8, 1959, . ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R, Inshaw 8.30 A.M, - Holy Communion 11.00 A.M. - Mattins 7,00 P.M, - Evensonr SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9,30 A.M. UNITED CHURCH ~- Rev.Russell Crook 10.00 A.M, - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 A.M. ~.MORNING WORSHIP 7.00 P.M, ~ EVENING SERVICE HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev.Father J.M.Cano DAILY MASSES - 7,30 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4 to 5,30 P.M, = 7.30 to 9 PLM, SUNDAY MASSES -~ 8, 9.30 and 10.45 A.M. Sunday evening Devotions - 7.30 P.M. Baptisms by appointment only. ROSSPORT, St.John Berchman's - Mass every Tuesday evening - 7,30 P.M, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Vicar J,Tuomisto 10,00: A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL ~~ SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION Sunday - 11 A.M, Sunday School for all ages, 2 P.M. Rossport Sunday School 7 P.M. Gospel Service Wednesday - 8 P.M, = Prayer and Praise of Port Arthur spent the weekend visiting with Bun and Bruce Larson, Emily and Bert Lohr motored to Waterloo last week taking their son David and Peter Adamo to University there and on to Morriston to visit with relatives, Rev. and Mrs,A.S. Coughall and visiting Niagara Falls before returning home." Miss Helen Jaster of Winni- peg is visiting with the Lohrs for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs.Joe Douglas from Heron Bay South were weekend visitors last week with the Alex Marquis family. Other visitors last week' at the Marquis home were Mr.& Mrs, Ben Himes of Ft.William, Nacy's sister and brother in law. Mrs. G,Galvin entertained on October Ist on the occasion of her son Gordie's sixth birthday. Eighteen little friends join in to celebrate, They had a supper party and returned home with prizes and treats, Glen Kujbida celebrated his sixth birth- day last Saturday when eight boy friends arrived for an afternoon of play and games directed by big brother Michael, His Mother served the birthday fare and distri- buted treats as they left for home, Mr, Alex Cruickshank of Port Arthur has arrived in Terrace Bay to make his home with his son Forbes and Daughter-in-law Betty and Children, We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs, Bert Duncan on the passing of her Mother, Mrs.S.M,Hooey in Regina, September 22nd. Pert and Jim were enroute to Regina at the time, PLANS COMPLETED FOR FALL SUPPER The Ladies Auxiliary of the (see Page 3)