uJ December 7th, a son. HOTEL. TERRACE . Lounge will be closed all day Wednesday December 18th, 1958, TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly on each Thursday. Circulation cov- ers Terrace Bay and Schreiber, Ontario. PUBLISHER & EDITOR - J.B. Beddard Managing Editer ~ I, R. Marsh "News deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon. Social itéms in Terrace Bay can be given -- to Mrs. R. facta and POT eAber news passed to Mrs, L, McQuaig, CLASSIFIED ADS TERRACE BAY BEAUTY PARLOR AND BARBER SHOP HOURS - Xmas Eve, Dec. 24th, 9 - a, New Year's Eve - 9-5, Dec, 3lst. . LOST - Will the person who picked up . Ovérshoe with name in it Sunday night at Community Church, please contact Axdl Berndtsson, 542 Lakeview, | WANTED ~ Ride to Lakehead Friday, Dec.19, 5 P.M. or later, Call 52W Schreiber between 6 & 7 P.M. FOR SALE - Boy's Hockey Equipment, shoul- der pads, shin pads, skates size 7, One child!s Hockey Game. Phone 3617. "IDEAL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR SALE - 1 only 6.5 Calibre High Powered Swedish Rifle, newly re-built, some shells included $18,00; 1 only Deep Sea Trolling Rod equipped with Penn Keel and 500 feet of Monel Line, cost.new $29.00, will sell for $15,00; 1 only G.E, Hot Water Kettle $3,00; 1 only C.C.M, Boy's Skates, size 13, used one year $3,50; 1 pr. used C.C.M, Hockey Skates, size 5, $3,00; 1 only 22 Calibre 15 Shot Repeater' Rifle $10.00. Apply to Sven Schaaf at Spadoni's Garage during business hours, - STORK CLUB NEWS Born to Mr. and Mrs, N. on December 6th, a son, Born to Mr. and Mrs, G, Racioppi, A, Power, on Born to Mr, and Mrs. J, Smith, on December 10th, a daughter, Born to Mr. and Mrs, H, December 12th, a son, Born. to Mr. and Mrs. G, on December 16th, a son. Landry, on Weaver, Hotel Terrace bining | Room will be closed to VISITORS all day thursday, December 25th, The Beverage. Room and Cocktail and Thursday, _---- 24th and December 25th. SUSAN BROOKS NAMED BASING QUEEN" " Miss Susan Brooks of Terrace Bay was named "The Baking Queen" on Saturday (Cont'd on Pg.4) . TERRACE BAY NEWS' ° ; Page 3. SCHREIBER MEN'S CURLING CLUB "A meeting of the Schreiber Ments Curling Club was held on December 14th with Tom Bolan presiding, A. W, Slater was named represent+ ative to the Northwestern, Standing Chairmen for the year were appointed: Membership Committee, Gino Caccanio; Bonspiel Comm, A.B, McCuaig; Draw Committee, W. J, Sauriol; Entertainment, T, Bolan; Ways & Means, W, Jacobson, A mixed Bonspiel is to-be held starting January 2nd; deadline for names to be handed in December 28th, Names must be placed on the board in the rink, The ice will be ready shortly anda cordial invitation is extended to anyone wishing to try out the game, » RUBY REBEKAH LODGE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10THs ~~ Mrs. Winnie Clemens N,G. and Mrs, Mary Legault V.G., presided. The minutes and correspondence were read by Mrs, Anna Laine, Corresponding Sec'ty, the latter including notes from Mrs, E. Firman, Fort William, Mrs, Inez McKevitt and Christmas cards from Dorothy McPhail of Carberry ani Mrs, Jean Goddard, D.D.P. and Mrs} Nita Ross of Fort William, The unknown friend program was renewed with Mrs, Florence Whent, convenor, Mrs, Netti Tirover presented a farewell gift to Mrs, Lilly Van Koughnett who. is 'leaving to make her home in White River with the regrets of the members in losing such a loyal and active worker, The Financial Report - was given by Mrs, Helen Wallace P,.D,D.P. There will be no meeting on December 24th, the next one being on January 14th with a> Christmas party being held with exchange of gifts of $1,00 value -- Mrs. Elsie Ross, convenor. Following the meeting, Mrs, Anna Laine conducted degree practise. Mrs. Hubert Weaver, Schreiber, invited a EBV of girls to a TV party in her home to honour her grand-daughter Wendy Weaver's ninth birthday, Guests were: Sharon Riley, Brenda . Dimmery, Joan & Betty Morris, Wanda Buffet, -- Shirley Ann Winters, Daryl Lynn & Billie Weaver. THERE'S ROOM FOR ALL" ~INEATH THE UMBRELLA At this time the Executive would like to extend the Season's Greetings to all members of the Terrace Bay Community Credit Union, and all peoples of the communities of Terrace Bay and Schreiber. We hope the ~ coming year will prove to be a very pleasant & prosperous one for all. OFFICE Eo - Tuesday and Friday 7 - 9 P.M, 482 Superior The Credit Union Office will be closed on Friday, Dec, 26, 1958 and Friday, Jan, 2,1959,