; = Page 11 Terrace Bay News FINAL TRIBUTE (Cont'd from Page 10) neighbourhood using his hill as a slide. His sense of humour led him to aid and abet arty small joke which would be common fun for the community, a lift in spirits for all: and his wish to be buried in Schreiber his greatest tribute to the many friends who mourned his death. | FUNERAL OF BABY HOLLAND joy The funeral of baby William Holland, 19 months old son of Mr) & Mrs, Emmett Holland, who died after a lengthy illness on October 3rd, was conducted in Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church on October . 7th by Rev. Father Gallagher of Terrace Bay. Pall bearers were Billy Scott, John Haionen,. John Stortini, and Paddy O'Brien, Interment was in Schreiber cemetery, The baby is survived by his parents, two sisters, Elda and Maxine, his grand- mothers Mrs. W. Holland and Mrs, Bonfigli and several aunts and uncles and cousins ~ in the immediate district. ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE COURSE TO START The new first aid classes will start in Schreiber on Oct. 21st, in the Town Hall at 7.30 P.M, This course will last for six weeks and will be for both men and: women and will 'be concluded by an examination by a doctor. The new text "Fundamentals of First Aid" will be used. (Cont'd next column) SYLVAINIA AREF RIG S) ee October 16, 1958 The fee for the course will be Two Dollars which includes the book and bandage. * INSPECTION =. Cont'd from page 9). nurse or Doctor if properly trained. Mr.Fred Farwell, Area Amb.Officer, said he had a personal interest in the Schreiber Division since he was one of the three instructors when the classes began here in 1954, He dwelt chiefly on the new First Aid text book written by Dr.R.A.Mus- tard of the Univ.of Toronto. Mr.A.Potter spoke briefly as area ambulance Officer for Pt.Arthur, An informal visiting hour followed the meeting with tea served by Mrs,Rummery, Mrs.Whitton and Mrs.Miller. On Sunday morning the Brigade joined in wor- ship with the congregation of St.John's Angli- can Church, Miss Mitchell and Miss Escott were accompanied to Schreiber by Miss E.Mitchell, MRS.COLEMAN FETED AT NOVELTY FAREWELL A novel party was arranged by 150 friends of Mrs.Coleman prior to her departure, The entire party, designed as an imaginary train trip, featured time of departure, incidents enroute and arrival at destination. The entire crew suitably costumed, the honoured guest and other active participants both enjoyed the hilarious trip and provided amusing entertainment for the rest of the gathering. -- Dinner, served in the "dining car" at linen covered tables decorated with flowers arranged | by Ann Needham, was thoroughly enjoyed. A : Longines Watch and Corsage were Pregented to > e LEONARD "Ti 8 cubic feet to 12./cubie feet "4y80 00 "Ss AND UP Sg RAY SISSON ~ PHONE 499 SCHREIBER