De KIWANIS KARNIVAL WINNERS (cont'd from p, 1) Races - ll yrs Boys Girls 1..F,.Schock 1. Jane Heenan 2. Gary Kulcheski 2, Irene Stewart 3. Gary Gresdal 3. Clara Scully Don. Fedun 1, Betsy Ferrier 12 yrs r isssunbalil Wynne Whitfield 2, Wendy Duncan 2 IBuyesé «desi Re Beg 1. Gail Woods Beor Wheelbarrow Boys 1. Wynne Whitfield & Cliff Wood. Girls i er Betsy Ferrier & Gail Woods 2. Irene Stewart & Velma LeBlanc 3. Wendy Duncan & Jane Heenan Patch Boys Girls 1. Peter Heenan 2. Ronny Stuart 3, Albert Cadieux 1. Pat Simmer 2. Cathy Brady 3. Coleen Kenney The Senior Queen: Edith Adamo Junior Queens; Margo Anderson, Sharon MacDonald The Senior Queen: Edith Adamo was selected by her classmates at the Terrace Bay High School on the basis of popularity and academic achievement. Her two assistants Margo Anderson and Sharon MacDonald capably in distributing the prizes, The three judges - Cathy Smith, Joan Clinton and Jessie Biggar are to be thanked for their part in selecting the Queen's two assistants and the judging of the. winners in the Tramp Contest, 3. Cliff. Woods' 3, Anita Lafontaine * Le NEW POLICY FOR CHANGE BOOTH The largest bill that will be changed _at the guard station change booth is $5.00. __It has been. found to. be impossible to keep "a supply of change on hand and break large bills at the same time, White it is realized that this rule will-cause some inconvenience to people with tens and twenties, it is hoped that it will' stop the continual running ous of change and thus provide better service for the majority. WM. A STINSON D.C. - Chiropractor - Drugless Therapist, of Fort William, Ontario will be in Terrace Bay Saturday, April 19th. LOST - Men's skates in washroom of Rec, Centre, Finder please phone 3376, Recreation Flyer (cont 'd) WARNING!!. - Each spring there blossoms, along with the flowers and grass, a local variety of destroyer, _ This could be the gasoline cowboy, who insists on roaring his car around the play- field at thé school; the playground nemesis , who delights in destroying playground equip-~ ment; or the jack--of-all-trades destroyer who feels it his duty to waik through flower gardens, break bottles in the wading pool, or just make a mess of things in general. Let's take a little pride in our townt! These facilities have been put there to be used, not to be destroyed! } let this be a warning to our local destroyers; anyone found défacing Recreation properties are liable to prosecution by law. If common sense won't cure you, maybe a slap at your purse will, ' A a RR iceman performed aTTENTION PARENTS Let's help keep our Recreation facilitie: in good repair by cautioning our children as to their use, Thanks, TERRACE BAY FISH & GAME ASSOCIATION will hold their regular monthly meeting April 21st. at 8:30 p.m, in the larce meeting room of the "Ree." Centre.) Special film,"Spinning for Speckles" will be shown. All visitors welcome,