RECREATION FLYER (Cont. a. WORK..SHOP CAMP ON TEEN-A such as: es How to plan a programme Learning new square , dances and folk | "dances: By How to lead a discwadon ce et Practise in public speaking: . How to discipline a group How to help a group to face up to and make decisions Discussion of boy-girl relationship Discussion on teen-age responsibilities with regards to home, school, _ church and community, These are just a few of the topics for this work-shop discussion, If you can go please notify Jim at the Recreation Office. ed RED CROSS SWIM TESTS Our swimmers this year will be trying their swim tests, Beginners, Juniors, Intermediates, and Seniors Red Cross tests, within the first ten days of Auguste: Be. sure you get gut for your lessons every. day. PLAYGROUND ASSTSTANCE WANTED - : We have need for one person to become a Junior Leader in our Playground. Program for the Mondays in August. This person should be able to get along with and: be responsible for the children, carry out the laid-down program, and co-operate with; the rest of the staff. Swimming would be an asset... If you are interested, phone dim at the Rec-, reation Office as-soon as possible, . - --- = SWIM BEACH NOTICE PLEASE NOTE! Would those who have lost articles of clothing while at the Beach area, please claim them. There are a number of keys, also, that have been found and turned in, LOCK UP VALUABLES Would those coming. to. swim at our swimming beach and who are carrying any valuables, ask to have them locked in the Instructor's Office, Unfortuantely several things of value have been missing from clothes in the change rooms, Ask the life- (Cont. col.) Page 7 «RECREATION FLYER (Cont, ) 'guard or a playground leader to lock these " valuables 'up for you, otherwise, we are not responsible for any Was missing or lost. BEACH BALLS - Would Neb noe tien own tae balls please instruct their child- ren to keep track of them, as a number have been blown away, RULES FOR OUR BEACH 1, Do not play with the ring bouys, reaching poles or emergency phone. 2. Do not walk on the docks with clothes on, You must have on a swim suit, 3. The third pool is deep water and only those swimmers given permission or taking intermediate or higher swimming lessons may swim there, 4, No spectators are permitted out on the Hydro dam, 5« Do not go down by the pump= house side of the dam, 6. Do not go beyond specified area on beach, -_-_-- - PLAYGROUND PATTER Monday - This week began with the junior boys taking a pleasure hike through the bush with Marvin and Gayle, while the junior girls remained at the Rec, Centre. Paper crafts: were made in the morning and low-organized games, both indoors and outdoors, were enjoyed by the girls under the leadership of Helen and Elaine. The afternoon attendance at the beach was .. low: due to cool weather, Tuesday - Movies were shown in the moming for the intermediates and seniors, At the same time the older boys were organized into fonr teams to begin their archery tournaments inside the Curling Rink, This proved to be a thrilling event, in which the boys are gradually developing their skills, Each team is given points for winning, and at the end of the season the top teams will be awarded their res- pective medals, -The girls held checker tournaments in the craft room, from which the winners will continue to com- pete with other challengers until the end of the month. An award system will also be conducted, The afternoon had 156 children in attendance, (Cont. on page 8)