RECIPE OF THE WEEK CARNIVAL SLICES x cup fine crumbs Graham Wafers 1/3 cup finely chopped nuts 2 tablespoons sugar 1/4 cup butter, melted A package Jell-O Vanilla Pudding" a cups milk a tablespoon grated orange rind (optional) Rh Combine crumbs, nuts and sugar, Add melted butter and mix well, Press two-thirds of mixture firmly on bottom of 9x 5x3 inch pan (or an 8 x 8 x 2-inch pan),. Bake in mod. oven (375°F.) 5 mins. Cool. Prepare Jell-O Vanilla Pudding as directed on package, Cool. Add orange rind, if desired, Spread pudding over baked crumb mixture, Sprinkle with remaining crumbs, Chill until firm, in squares,. Makes 6 servings... Delicious with this topping: Whip 1 cup cream, sweeten slightly; fold in 6 diced marshmallows, Cut 0-0-0 STORK CLUB NEWS Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs, G,.Valiquette on the birth of --- a daughter on November 23rd, 1955. 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Our sympathy is extended to Mrs, Ev Garvin whose Mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Towers passed away November 13th in 'Winnipeg. Mrs. Garvin returned home last Wednesday and brought her Father with her for an indefinite Visit. Alex Sinkins is progressing very well following his operation in Port Arthur General Hospital last week, and hopes to be released this weekend. (Cont.. on next col,) Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN (Cont.) Marielle LeBlane has been home with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Art LeBlanc for three weeks, having successfully com- pleted her course as a Nurse's Aid at McKellar Hospital, Murielle left on Monday to take up her new job at the Sanatorium, in the Lakehead. John and Sadie Benko with Marilyn and Bobby spent the weekend at the Lakehead where they attended the wedding of Sadie!'s brother Walter Yarema to Miss Georgina Collinge in Westfort last Saturday. Mrs. Anne Zyri with daughter Penny Anne spent last weekend visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wukovich of Port Arthur. Bob Rickard left Tuesday morning for Munising, Michigan where he will work in the Kimberly-Clark Mill, Members of the Loyal Order of the Moose, Lodge No. 1752, of which Bob had been Governor, presented him with a Snorkel Pen and Pencil set be- fore he left. His co-workers in the Electricians Department held a stag for him Saturday evening and presented him with some electrical instruments. Bob will certainly be missed around Terrace Bay. Mr, and Mrs. T. McKee of Chapleau spent the past week visiting with their daughter, Mrs, Fran Gerow and while here celebrated two birthdays, First they assisted in the birthday party held last Thursday Nov, 24th for their grandson Ricky's third birthday and on Saturday, celebrated Mr. McKee's sixty-sixth birthday. Des Evans-Smith and Tom Smith attended the Kiwanis Education School held in Saska-\, toon, Saskatchewan last week, They travelled with the president of the Westfort Club, and © while there met representatives from the Port Arthur and Fort William Clubs also Norm Harrison of the Port Arthur Club who will be Lieutenant-Governor for 1956, Mr. and Mrs. Don Boudreau returned last week from a week spent in North Bay visiting his brother and her sister, Mr. and Mrs, A, Boudreau, and in Kapuskasing with Mrs, Boudreau's Mother Mrs, Deleme Roy and sisters, Mrs, Emery and Mrs, R. Gascon, Bill Smith leaves for his home in Toronto on Thursday, having worked the past summer and fall in Terrace Bay, Mrs,.Louise Stuart was hostess to the Dim Bulbs on Tuesday evening when the members enjoyed an evening of games, Winners were Ethyle Boyd, Lois Haviland and Lil Harris. Name patches were made and sewn onto an organdy apron and presented to this year's president Mrs, Lil Harris. Plans were made for a skating part to be held in January and with no meeting in (Cont. on page 5)