FIGURE SKATING NEWS It is indeed gratifying to note the number of children and parents interested in Figure Skating this year, with a membership of over 120 skaters we can look forward to a busy season. Le Due to the fact that we have limited ice time available, it wil]: be impossible at 'this time to accept any further registrations for the figure skating lessons. Remember - The Figure Skating Club has the ice at the Arena from 3:30-4:30 Saturday ' afternoons, This will be a general session and all members are asked to attend. Will parents please make a note of the following groups and times stated for _lessons, so that your child will be at the teaching patch at the right time and on the right day for their lesson. TUES DAY Group I - 4:00 Colleen Kenney Jane Boudreau Sharon MacDonald Sharon St, Louis Janie Cumming Janie Valiquette Joanne Burella Susie Graham Sendra Synishin Linda Hales Nancy Herron Mary Clare Coupal Barbara Ann Checkryn Shirley Wade 5:00 pm. -- Grand March Group V -- 4:40 Group IX - 5:15 Bonnie Thomas Sharlene Pineault Linda MacFadyen Peggy Cavanaugh Judy Thomas Betty Rowson Dolly Louwk Sandra Solly Marie Vachon Peggy Shirriff 'Beverley Louk Barbara Sweet Agnes Wilson Laura Mae Marcella Margaret Ann Pineault Barbara Pineault Diana: Hubeny Donna Adamo David Roberts Rhea LeClair Susan Brooks Marie Trudeau Group III - 4:20 Valerie Turner Karen Storvold Pamela Cumming Ruth Soughton Wendy Keller Jane Kelty Heather Boyd Debbie Boyd Jo-Anne Haviland Christine Olson Lyn Simmer Pat Simmer Group X - 5:35 Gail Cotton Judy McCausland Veronica Fedun Susie McCausland -~------------------------ Jane Heehan Group X~5:35 Gail Wood Mary Ellen Reynolds Joan Hopper Janice Coe Connie Barker Donna Brearley Helen Dennis Annette Boudreau Gay Roy Susan Wig _ Jane Skinner c (Oormhs On next cok.) Page 8 FIGURE SKATING NEWS (Cont.) THURSDAY Group II - 4:00 Group IV - 4:20 Brenda Trudeau Molly McCausland Dianna Goneau Pat McCausland Shirley Phillips Marcia Jeanneret Marie Delaronde Elizabeth Hayes Marcia Hamilton Margaret Dale Locking Beverley Dodge Lana Storvold Maureen Mann Nancy Wade Stephie Synishin Mary Ellen Little Cathy Jo Gotton Karen Olson Catherine Smith Linda Hayes Patsy Downey Terry Delaronde Connie Fawcett Diane Campbell Carol Kulcheski 2:00 p.m. - Grand March Group VI - 4:40 Group VIE - 5:15 Bonnie Hamilton Marie Sadowick Ellen Knight Irene Stewart Kit Knauff Arlene Coates Darlene Heinrich Leslie Gauthier Christine Flater Betty Lou Cavanaugh Holly Berndtsson Christine Wig Karen McKechnie Bonnie Beddard Janice Gross Molly Harris Linda Nelson Darlene Larson Gail Burnell Mary Ellen Faust Jacqueline Latour Linda Hall Group VIII --- 5:35 Anita Lafontaine Karen Shrier Diane Marcotte Wendy Duncan Velma LeBlanc Cathy Cavanaugh Marilyn Marsh Fay Thorsteinson Bonnie Jean Wilson Paulette Boudreau Ruth Thorsteinson Noreen Scowen 0-0-0 HOME AND SCHOOL BAKE SALE The Home and School Association is planning a Bake Sale on Friday, November llth in Bucovetsky's Store, As this is Armistice Day, the Sale will be held in the afternoon starting at 2:00 p.m, Here's your chance to take home some freshly baked bread, rolls or pie. 0-0-0 CeWeL. MEETING The C,W,L, Meeting for November will be held this Sunday, November 13th at 8:00 p.m. in the Church Basement, 0-0-0 WANTED TO BUY One pair size one girls figure skates, Phone 462, or contact House 37.