BOND SALE CAMPAIGN - CANADA SAVING BONDS On November 5th the 1Oth Series Canada Saving Bond payroll deduction plan, was complete. There were 251 LongLac employees who bought Bonds for a total of $80,250, So another Canada Saving Bond. Campaign © is complete, and we would like to thank the following volunteer canvassers who made it possible; Beggie Thorsteinson, Louis White, R. MacMillan, C. Koski, Bill Pidluzny, Frank Whitfield, Joe Kennedy, Len Crockford, Jim lacDonald, P. Romariuk, Ted McInnis, Jim Duncan, B, Baillie, G, Daniels, V. Thompson, Tom Turner, Ron Slattery, Bob Williams, Bill Cavanaugh, John Graham, John Mikus, A, Sinkins, Don Laporte, Clar- ence Buck, Mae Duquette, Harvey McCanna and Ken Weppler, 0-0-0 ATTENTION CURLERS - MEN'S CLUB On Wednesday November 16th a "Get Acquainted" round of curling will start, Watch the bulletin board at the rink for this draw, This "Get Acquainted" curling will last for one week, Then on Wednesday November 23rd regular group scheduled curling will begin. We have enough members for 22 rinks so far - but there are a lot of former curl- ers who are dragging their heels, Anyone who wishes to curl had better get their name in to Membership Chairman Al Pattison - Now]} Any curler who has not paid his first half fees will not be allowed to curl in the regular schedule until he has done so, Full membership fee of $20,00 must be paid by December 15, 1955, Leads - A list of leads will be posted in the Curling Club this week, Skips should select their leads and submit those names to Al Pattison to complete the rinks, 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Winners of last weeks Safety Slogan "Protect Your Life - Eternity is a long Time" were: QO, Harrison, W. Baillie, John Schritt, Ernest Bond, D. C. Porter, W. Smith, M, Wellings, K, Weppler, H. Kleinhans and G, Black. Those who missed were J. Falzetta, E. Knight, L, Plourde, D, Weberg, M. L. Osmar, R, Gauthier, H, Marsh, L. Checkryn, R. * (Cont. on next col,) Pag C y i SAFETY SLOGAN (Cont. ) "yo Shirriff, J. Anderson, M. Flewelling, A.~ 'R. MeColl, Kit Thomas, P. Marcella, W. Whelan, W. Hilton, T. Williscroft, Mrs. M. O« Nelson, Mrs. C. E, Engel, We "Jones, E. er Wee ee tne 9-0-0 SAFE DAY RUN BROKEN. LET'S TRY AGAIN! A strained back sustained in what appeared to be a minor mishap has brought to an end the best run of safe days built up by LongLac employees since the mill started to operate in 1948. 'The period extended from January 15th to October 3lst, a total of 289 days without a reportable on-duty disabling injury. Involved were 1,074,502 man hours. The previous epcart: of 269 days (1, 044,874 man hours) was established in 1952, Now let's knuckle down and make certain that no more disabling injuries occur this year, With a current frequency rate of 1,72, we can still have the best year we have ever had since start-up. But it's going to take everyone's cooperation, However, when accidents are prevented, everybody benefits, O-0-0 NOTICE TO ALL TOWNSITE RESIDENTS Please help us make some ne edy child- ren's Christmas a littlebrighter, This weekend the local boy scouts will be making a door to door canvass to pick up those toys which are no longer wanted but can be used in the scout toy repair shop. If you have any please have them ready for collection, 0-0-0 GUIDES AND BROWNIES For the Church Parade on Sunday, Nov. 13th, the girls of St. Martin's Church please meet in the basement for the ten o'clock Mass and the girls of the Community Church meet in time for the eleven o'clock service in the Church Basement, 0-0-0 NOTICE TO FIRST BROWNIE PACK Beginning November 18th Brownie meetings will be held on andl eyeninge at the regular time. The membership fee of 60¢ is now due. Don't forget the Church parade on Nov. 13th.