RECIPE OF THE WEEK SUGAR COOKIES a cup shortening 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg ue tsp. lemon extract 2-1/4 cups flour 1-1/2 tsp, baking powder 3/4 . tsp. salt Milk Sugar we Gream together shortening and. °° 1/2 cup sugar, Beat egg; add. Add lemon extract, Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; add, Mix well, Shape into 2 rolls 2" in diam.; wrap in waxed paper, Chill wtil firm; slice 1/8" thick, Place on greased baking sheet; brush with milks; sprinkle . with sugar. Bake in hot oven (400°F,) o~0-0 HOUSEHOLD HINTS To remove chewing gum from clothes, upholstery, etc., hold a piece of ice against it for a few minutes, and the gum will brush off easily. When you want to tie a package tightly, moisten the string first, This will prevent slipping and when the string .dries it shrinks and tightens, " "To remove grease from your stove, use a cloth that has been dampened with vinegar, as this will cut the grease quickly, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Congratulations are in order for Mabel Clayson and Sid Spencer, also to Lois Windle and Joe Shubaly, Both these couples announced their engagement this week, Mary and Bill Baillie celebrated their Twenty-seventh wedding anniversary on the. 6th of October, Congratulations} At (Cont, on next col.) | Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN (Cont.) 9. | present Mrs, Baillie is in "NeKellar Getta receiving medical treatment. . We wish her a speedy return home, . oo Mrs and Mrs, E, J, Hosack of Vootnaeek and Mr, Glen Lumbers of Toronto were guests of Barbara and Dick Lumbers last weekend, Mr. and Mrs, George Artist with Leonard and Judy visited with Mrs, Artist's sister, Marge Lundberg and family over the Thanksgiving weekend, Mrs. A. Cadieux arrived Tuesday from 'Mrs. Cadieux was accompanied by Mr.. and Mrs, L. Kennedy and Mrs. Rose Cote .and 'son Marc, Marg and Cliff Woods of Port Arthur were weekend visitors at the home of Phil and Ernie Woods, Mrs, Arnold McKechnie entertained on the occasion of her son Robby's seventh birthday on Octobér. 8th, Present were: Johnny and Billy Shirriff, George Schmitzen, Ronny Sedge, Danny Schock, Daniel Duquette Ricky Dorman, Tommy and .Donny Gerow, Out- door games: were enjoyed by the boys, and a hearty dinner was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Alice Jean McKechnie,: ' Fran and Bill Herron had as their Buests® lagt weekend Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Findlay of Port Arthum §~ Betty. and Bob Cotton with Carol, Cuyler and Joan visited with the Reg. Cottons for the Thanksgiving weekend. . Mr. 'and Mrs. S, Boyd, Sr. and Mrs. LS Harris were at the Lakehead last week, Doris and Ken anf#-Ronnie MacKay, Millie and Roy and Donnie Cooper of Fort William were weekend guests of Alec and Nacy Marquis: 'and family also visiting the Berndtsson family. 0-0-0 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION «The regular monthly meeting of the Home' and School Association will be held on Monday evening, October 17th at 8:15 p.m, in the Public School, Mr. Wilson is con- vening the programme for the evening with each of the three principals participat- ing. «The programme planned will be of benefit to every parent as-it will en- lighten everyone on the report cards the children receive. The committee would like the parents to come with suggestions or questions on this subjects Due to the increased membership it was decided that this meeting would be in the form of a cup and saucer shower, so please try and remember to bring one with you when you come, Kapuskasing to visit with her son and daughter. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cadieux for a week.