MIXED TEN PIN LEAGUE (Cont.) mark in 2 games this week. Nice going Rose, League Standing Superiors. - 12 Royalettes - 11 Badgers = 10 Maebees - iL 0-0-0 MIXED LEAGUE The Gutter Pups were the big guns this week, Led by D. Chilton who put together scores of 205, 208 and 225 for a 638 series they rolled 942, 1086 and 1075 for high sin- gle game and hi series of 3103, The Gin Pills were right in there pitching with a series of 3050 to pick up a few points and strengthen their position, The Superiors 'showed the Phillpots who were who when they edged them for a few extra points to keep in The Cut Ups the running for a playoff spot, are beginning to roll now but it may be too late for a playoff berth in the first series. To J. Van de Ven goes the honour seore of the Joe rolled a beautiful 22 to beat the existing record set last year by 2 pins, Some week, of the other scores worth mentioning are P, Diduch 216, B. Knight 229, 223 (647) (Nice going Babe) E. St. Denis 200, L. Mecure 219, J. Corrigan 204, J. Todd 230, 215 (604), D. Dalzell 202, R. Middaugh 203, C, Sitch 211, L. Swirhun 219 and L. Belliveau 223, Standings up to November 9th oh, Sleepers - Phillpots - 838 Pin Dusters - Superiors ely Pee Bay Beavers yi Slow: Pokes ae Gutter Pups - 57 Rockets - 56 Cut Ups oe ae Gin Pills - 46 as 5 _- Ladies . Maleshewski - 197 7 Harrison hme 195 D. Dalzell - 182 M, Hayes - 17h C, Boudreau - 17h A, Chepelsky - Lh MEN C. Buck be ig ee Poi Diduch mee OD L. Swirhuyn - 189 E, Niemi we) EB W. Day - 18 o-0~0 FOR RENT Finished upstairs two rooms unfurnished, 158 Birch Crescent, Page 7 HUGE TURNOUT FOR ARMISTICE DINNER On Wednesday November 11th there were' 92 veterans of World I and II who attended an armistice dinner at the Hotel Terrace, This was the second Armistice Dinner: as arranged on a spontaneous basis by the Veterans of Terrace Bay. H. ©, Laundy acted as Chairman of this dinner and Mr, Laundy proposed the toast to the Queen, : Followimg this Dr. J. 0, Shaunessy proposed a toast to the fallen. Prior to the actual toast Dr, Shaunessy spoke briefly but eloquently on the tragedy of wars, How wars left so many of our citi- zens disabled for life, And he referred to the grief caused to the Mothers, the wives, and other relatives of the fallen, The toast was then made and the memory of the fallen was observed by the playing of the Last Post and the observance of 2 minutes silence, A sing song and a film showing then followed. Ozzie Dalzell led the sing song with Mrs. Hodgkiss at the piano. A good hearty sing song was the result, with the three branches of the service ending in a draw. A solo group on this sing song was a specialty by the lady veterans of World War II. A film was then shown, much to the delight of the Air Force, The film was entitled "The Battle of Britain." This film was enjoyed by all as it was an excellent reminder of how horrible war can be - and yet a reminder how the courage and faith of a free people can defy the worst tyranny with which the free world has been faced to date, The film was followed by a dance at the Auditorium which was well attended, The second Annual Armistice Dinner was without a doubt a huge success and those on the committee are to be congrat-~ ulated, The members of committees were as follows: Dinner, H. C, Laundy, Jim Cummings, Dr, Shaunessy, Toast to the Fallen, 0. R. Dalzell, Community Singing, F, Gould, Bugler, Movie, F. Cruickshank, Ken MacKay, Vern Hopper, Ticket Committee: H,. Boudreau, E, J. Brady; Dance Committee: John Jeanneret, Don Brearley, and Alex Chisholm, 0-0-0 LOST One 3 cell flashlight believed to be lost in vicinity of post office, Finder please return to 0.P.P. office, 0~O--0