OUT OF TOWN VISITORS Cfn. Lawrence J. Vezina from Kingston R. C, BE. M. E. school on three weeks furlough, visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs, Willard Vezina, friends and relatives in Nipigon and Port Arthur, Also recent visitors were Arthur Leclere Chapleau, Virginia Zager of Port Arthur. Visitors this week at the home of J. Wellings were Peg's brother F/O Stan Miller & wife Beth of Cimbi, Manitoba. 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS Hours Monday & Wednesday - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. Children's Hours Monday & Wednesday - 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday - 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. New Adult Books "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Heming- way. This story is simple and compelling- a profound experience. "Invisible Man," A novel by Ralph Ellison, This is a monumental novel, one that can well be called an epic of modern American Negro life, "Tallulah: my autobiography by Tallulah Bankhead, <A whirlwind of a book, charged with the glamour of a Broadway first night, sparkling with the zest and excitement of a remarkable personality. 0-0-9 CARD OF THANKS It is our wish, at this time, to thank all our friends and neighbours for their kind thoughts and their expressed sympathy, in our recent bereavement. Ernie Rowson & Family 0-0-0 FOR SALE Furnished Camp at Walker's Lake. Apply House 61. Laurier or phone 396, 0-0-0 FOR SALE Fender skirts for a 1950 Chev, colour green, Apply time card 171 or Room 27 VU. k, (penrei oer, 0-0-0 WANTED One used medium sized tricycle in good condition, Phone 488 or contact A. Vali- quette. 6-0-0 Page 4 MEN! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN 'SINGING? A number of fellows have indicated their interest in forming a Men's Chorus, Wetd like to have a get-together of all of the guys really interested in such a group, and see if we have enough to make a start. Wetve done a little preliminary spade- work and believe we ean line up a well- qualified conductor. There will be plenty of work to do and lots of detail to be ironed out, but that one important item seems to be in hand, The only requirement right now is an interest in singing, You don't have to read music. It may surprise you to learn that a good share of those in most community choruses can't read music, We hope a few can here, but we'll welcome vlienty who cantt--if they're interested in. singing. Wetre going to meet at the Continuation School Wednesday night, April 29th at 8:00 p.m. Come out if you can. If you can't because of shift work or other engagements, send word along with someone else that you want to be counted in, O=-0-C AROUND THE TOWN Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Massicotts with sons Gregory and Billy of Sudbury, Ontario, visit- ed with Murdo and Dot Campbell for a few days last week, Adam and Anne Zyri with the children visited with Anne's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Castonguay of Fox William last weekend, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Soughton and Ruth returned home Sunday from a three week motor trip that started cff to Kapuskasing where they had a brief visit with the Coulters and Christiansons, beth former residents of Terrace Bay, then cn to Ottawa where they were the guests of Mrs, Soughton's brother, Mr, Albert Cogswell.) Arriving: in New York for Easter weekend, they were able to view all the pagentry of the occasion, aS well as a full sightseeing schedule, In Washington the Soughtons were in time to see the very beautiful Cherry Blossom Festival, and a close-up of Mamie Eisenhower, Fred attended an Executive meeting of the National Safety Council in Columbus, Ohio, and from there they returned home via Wisconsin, Visitors with Rosemary and Bill Sernes.-- ky last weekend were Bill's Father and Brothers Eddy and Tommy of Westfort, ¢ (con*t on page 2)