COMMUNITY CHURCH Maan ies "hi Sunday April 5, 1953 ri 9:30 asm, ~ Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.- Junior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.- EASTER MORNING SERVICE 'Man's Deathless Hope,? 7:30 p.m. -~ Evening Service, This service will be held'in the Sunday School Room, 'The Choir will render specid. music. The film tDust or Destiny' will be shown, This is a film with a strong religious ME SSAge. Be sure to. sec it. Frigay, April 9. 1983... 7300 p.m, -- GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE All menbers and friends of the congregation are 'urged to attend this brief service, "Is. it no- thing to you, all ye that pass by That your Redeemer on Calvary should die?" Following this service the choir will practice, O=0~0 LADIES, AUXILIARY The Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Church on Monday evening April 6th at 8:00 p.m, Mrs. T. Walter and her committee have arranged an interesting program for the evening, Special guests will be the C. G, I, T. group. All members are urged to be present and any new comers will be heartily welcomed, 0-0-0 SHOE REPAIR SHOP HOURS .From April 7th to the 17th. the shop wiil be open from 8:00 a.m, to noon, From April 18th, to the 23rd, the shop will be open from 6 to 8 p.m. during the evening. 0-0-0 FOR RENT ee single rooms in gbixcibar: Please contact D, Cosgrove, Time Card 191 or Phone 45W Schreiber. o-0-0 board,.- 'ST, ANS ee Friday; tpt 3/53---- : 7:30 BoM. 7 Veneration of the: eees ' Mass of the Presanctified Servers. - Richard Marcella, Roger ~ LeBlane, Paul Marcella, Joey Wig, Giles LeBlanc 3:00 p.m. - Stations of the Cross Sermon John Boudreau, Cliff Knauft Claude 'Boudreau Passion according to St, John, one decade of the Rosary (Confessions after) Servers - 7:30 p.m. - Saturday, April 4/53 - HOLY SATURDAY 7:00 a.m, - Blessing of new fire,Bap-°' tismal water, Paschal Candle Reading of the Prophecies. - Mass - Richard Marcella, Reg LeBlan- c, Paul Marcella, Roger Le- Blane, John Boudreau, Terry Cavanaugh, Claude Boudreau, Joseph Maroella, Confessions ~ 3 to 4 p.m. Y 408 Dame Sunday, April 5/53 - EASTER SUNDAY 8:00 a.m, Servers 8:15 a.m, --- Mass Servers" ~~ Joseph Marcella , Giles - LeBlane 10:00 a.m, - Mass a Servers - Reg LeBlanc, Richard = Marcella 11:30 a.m. - Mass (in Sehreiber) There will be n>» evening devotions, 0-0-0 FOR SALE One' small Cruiser with 'abdns 'Leip: streak construction of cedar and oak, com- plete with engine, toilet and accessories, One Tru Speed Boat Speedometer, new, in original packege with installation instruct- fons, Suitable for small cruiser or out Apply. House 469 ; o+O-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday 3 Noon EApTS Le and to eee mere aie ao FOR CHEMIC SAL SPLASHES Lt ate. PLENTY OP OANA) Bors "Len, 'Crockford: 'of the: 'Bleachery. Dent. won "#10, 00 for 'mowing "Wea weak a; 'Safety aie a Congratulations, Leonard!