HOURLY-SALARY LINEUP (cont. fran page 1) Hourly Sala Capt, Leon Cheeckryn Capt, Bill Borsum (non- Willie Adamo playing Capt.) "Moosh" Malashewski Al Lindskoog Paul Pluta Bob Shirriff John Louk Frank Sechesky Joe Shubaly Thor Olsen Mike Smilsky Pete Gombola Ed Niemi Bill Louk Ed Aho Don Boudreau Pete Diduch Jim Rowley Don Porter George Clifford o-0-0 SUNDAY NIGHT FILM PROGRAMME (cont. from P. 1) che origin of prejudice showing how it can arise in the day-to-day frustrations of neighbourhood life and how it can be passed from adults to their children, This is a film to give us insight into the behaviour of our community and of ourselves." Judging by the amount of enthusiasm with which our February programme was rec= eived, it would indicate that we shall have a large audience in attendance this Sunday, A silver collection will be taken to help defray expenses, o-0-0 EASTER BALL ON APRIL 6TH If you haven't made plans to attend the grand Easter Ball on Monday, April 6th, now is a good time to start getting ready. This gala extravaganza is being sponsored by the St, Martin's Men's Club and will be held in the High School Auditorium, Dancing will be from 10:00 P.M, till 2:00 A.M. to the music of the Vagabonds, The highlight of the evening's programme will be that of choosing the Queen of the Ball and to add to the all-round enjoyment of the evening, there will be Novelty Dances and Door Prizes, Admission prices will be $1.50 per couple with dress being optional. 0-0-0 DEPT. OF LANDS & FORESTS NOTICE It has been noticed that several snares have been set out in the vicinity of Terrace Bay, This notice serves to advise all persons owning these snares to remove them immediately. <Any snares found after this date will be seized and the owner sub- ject to prosecution, H,. McLeod, Deputy Game Warden. 0-0-0 Page 6 LE/DERSHIP TRAINING COURSE {11 plans are now complete for the commencement of the Leadership Training Course on Monday evening at 7:00 PM in the Continuation School, We have had pretty good response for this course but we can always make room for a few late-comers who would like to join in, Anyone wishing to do so, should contact Ossie Dalzell or M. 0. Nelson at the earliest convenience, 0-0-0 EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN As this year's campaign is drawing to a close the Committee in charge feels that the reason for the rather poor response to date is not due to our residents not recog- nizing the worthiness of this cause, but rather that we are just apt to put these things off from one day to another and some- times don't ever get around to it till it's too late, So with the thought in mind that "it's never too late to help the Easter Seal Fund". please accept this note as being a timely reminder that you should dig out that Pink Envelope today, enclose your remittance and put it in the mail, Remember, it's not the amount that counts, it's the fact that you have contributed, that gives you that warm inward glow, CAMPAIGN ENDS APRIL 5TH. 0-0-0 POST OFFICE BOX RENTS DUE fll Post Office Box holders are advis*:. that box rents become due on March 31st. W. E, Cavanaugh, Postmaster, 0-0-0 FOR SALE Credit note on "Henry J" automobile. Will sell for $100.00 lower than value, Apply to House No. 133. 0-0-0 NOTICE Items for publication in the Terrace Bay News must be handled in one of the following ways:- Placed in one of the News- boxes located at the Mill Time Clocks, and the Hudson's Bay Store, placed in the Post Office, delivered by hand either to the Recreation Office or the Personnel Office. No matter which system you choose, the mat- crial must be at any one of these places NOT LATER THAN 12:00 NOON ON WHEDNESD.Y! Material for publication must be in writing and no telephone requests will be handled, Send it in writing, and don't wait until Wednesday noon to do it, please.