PARKING BY-LAW IS ENACTED The following are the main points of a Parking By-Law which has recently been enacted by the Trustees of the Improvement District of Terrace Bay. "No person shall park a vehicle on any street or part of e street, between the Hours of 2200" a.m, and 7.00 -agm, drom November lst to April 30th of each year. No person Shall park any vehicle of any kind in eny of the following places in the Townsite of Terrace Bay. 1. Within an intersection. 2. Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant. 3. Within 20 feet of an intersection where busses take on or discharge passengers. 4. On any Street or Highway in such a manner as to obstruct traffic. The members of the Provincial Polica Foree having jurisdiction within the Imp- rovenent District of Terrace Bay, stall enforce the provisions of the By-Law. Penalties for violation have been provided", i, copy of the By-Law may be seen at the Municipal Office at Terrace Bay. 0-0-0 REQUEST TO ADULTS in the November 30th issue of the "News", a request was made to encoprage the children to walk along the side of the roads in the Townsite. Since that date, a further check has been made on this and it is discovered that the adults in the Community are not setting too good of an example. The co-operation of all adults is requested in this lita 0-0-0 LONGLAC PULP /ND PAPER COMP..NY LTD., LONGL.C, ONT-RIO. (Cont'd from B.5) including schools, churches, utiljties, medical care, recreation facilities, rail and road transportation, plus plasty. of space for future town growth, Mr. Gordon G. Cosens of Kimberly-Clark Corporation of Canada, Limited, and Mr. allan F. Bucll, manager of the LongLac Company Woodlands activitics, are admi- nistering the new venture. 0-0-0 SCHOOL CHILDREN'S CONCERT The School Concert this year will be presented on Thursday, December 21st, at S214 pam. in the Recreation Hall, The programme includes song, plays anf Christ- mas in Toyland, based on Tehaikowsky's 'Nutcracker Suite", fdmission will be .35¢. Everyone is welcome, especially the parents. Page 6 BOWLING NEWS (Cont'd from P. 3) or in his sleep, would form an opinion of his being a perfect bowler. \lfe have no facts to substantiate this presumption. However, we do have the facts of his wife fmne's good bowling. Recently snne broke away from her seclusion to lend a helping hand to the Mad Musicians, In hos first endeavour on strange alleys, Anne rolled a nice 329, Until this time the ladies' high was held by Olga Adanio, wife of Enterprises Joo who makes himself heard through a sax, In this league of fourteen teams, Olyve Harrison's Pin Boys showed no mercy to their opposing, teams, On the first night of play, this team took firm position in the first spot and gave no taste of this honour to any other team, A record of being first from start to finish was accom- plished - for which, congratulations! Gord Paget's Schemers were able to scheme their way to second best, : Ladies! League 4s Chairman of the Ladies' League, Vi Wainikka has had the full co-operation of the ladies in promoting the Ladies' League, and her team - the "Hippity-Hops* - were successful in winning the first series. Olga Adamo's "T* T's" --~ meaning Tea-Tota- llers or Terrace Terriers --- were the runners-up. Details of the first series will be fully compiled for publication in a subse- quent issue of the "News", o-0-0 . VARIETY SHOW IS HUGE SUCCESS The Community Church Variety Show pro- gramme was very favourably received by a large and enthusiastic audience last night, The general concensus was that we need more of these home talent shows and so, towards that end, the next one is planned to take place on January 31st. The Hudson's Bay Co., announced this morning that they will put their Champion- ship Quiz Team up againstt any or all comers. {ny group or team interested in taking up this challenge is asked to submit their entry to Bill Borsum, 0-0-0 LEGION AUXILIARY Members of the 4uxiliary are reminded that this month's meeting will be held on Tuesday, Decanber 19th, at the home of Mrs, Doris McKay, 243 Kenogami Road. After the meeting, a small Christmas party will be held and it is hoped that all menbers will be in attendance.