SRD EIS AMM ARTY PRES AAPL TS ELL ME IE Sear eTe ee ob Lesa long ae ex xpands. NEY HOSPITAL FOR TERRACE BAY _ "I am happy to announce that Tarrace Bay will have a new hospital next year. Approval of a 22-bed institution has just been made by the Board of Directors 'of our company and work will wegin as soon as possible in spring. Design drawings and specificatiuns are now being completed and materials are being ordered immediately; particularly those critical items that will be difficult tu ebtain and which could delay completiun, Cost will approximate $130,000, "Undoubtedly everyone appreciates that this replacement of the present temporary hospital will fill the single most impor- tant need in Terrace Bay. Except for ecnstruction hazards of cnAld weather - and a foreseeable delay in some equipment- work would have begun this fall. "The new hospit21 will be financed entirely by the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company. However, even though it will be operated as a private institution with no public grant invelved, our cuonmunity expects to share the new facilities with neighbors in Schreiber, Jackfish and the surrounding area. Tht is one reason for a design that is slightly larger than immediate needs would indicate to be nece- ssary. "Also, the hospital - though a private one - will nevertheless be constructed in conformity with general hospital regulations. It will be fitted to our requirements &iong the following lines: Le Mii injuries and local fratiderpontediy, _ (Cont'd on Py :5) SAY SAR TS SIO ES IL A EPAPER TAL RELIES PINES eee) ent ee IN TERRACE Bay hitherto undeveloped forest area, | SeCSer Dina Pate ~ LONGLAC PULP AND 'PAPER COMPANY LTD, , LONGLAC, ONTARIC. LongLac Pulp and Paper Company toda 2y announced thet it had cempleted negotiativns with the Ontcrio Frovinci-1 Government, Department of Lands «end Forests, for the construction and operntion of = permanent sownill here, With pl-ns enlling for an establishment to ¢ost severxl hundred thou- sand dollars, the plent is intended to utilize the sawlong size timber developing from integrated cperntion to produce rail- road ties end essential timber products for local and surrounding mining, manufacturing, farming and residential users, Company officers nre unable te give a precise date for its completion because of the current international situction «nd its effect on materials and mchinery, but they are pointing toward e full production schedule starting in the spring of 1952, As a result of the new project, exten- sive additional anplcyment will be provided during the sawing season, It is expected that this will exert a stabilizing effect on the area economic picture, as it serves to supplement the firm's présent pulpwood harvesting operntions fur its pulp mill <t Terrace Bay on Lake Superior, Officers of the Compnny pcint out that by building and operating the mill in con~ junction with its existing steff facilities at tha village of Longlac, the Wocdlands Department headquarters for the Company, it can use to advantage the training -nd experience of its staff and crews in the This (Cont'd on F.5)