LET'S KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK 7s we go to pross this week we have completed 42 econseeutive safe days or more than 160,000 man hours without an on-duty - disabling injury. This is a long way from last year's record of 130 sefe days which was just 30,000 man hours short of a cool 'helf million. However, the trend in our necident experience has been such in recent wecks thet there is no reason why we should not keep on building the total to a level which exceeds all past experiences. 4 glence at the near fubure shows that we have much to gain as a mill by an acci- dent-free performance during the next two months, quite apart from the humen values which ere most important. In Class "4." of the Ontario wide Pulp and Paper mill contest, we were in 5th posi- tion out of 22 mills when the lest report was issued, with e Limited Severity of .11 which has now dropped to ,08 it the time of that report the mill in first position hed a ,07 rate so we still are in the runn- ing for the top rung. Closer to home in the 10-mill Contest wo were in third spot last month and in this contest enything enn happen. Probably even more important than either of these two contests, however, is the fact that we have a better than even chance of being aworded a "Certificate of .chievement" by the Nationel Safety Gouncil on our acci- dent performance this year if we are able to hold our frequency rete (accidents per million man hours) at its present level or better. We have just completed ean accident---free October, Now let's have an aecident-free November, It will do much to help us estab- lish our mill es one of the safer pulp mills in the country. More important even than the record, however, is the fact that when accidents are prevented everybody benefits. o-0-0 FOUND Men's fountain pen, near St-tion. Ower please apply to B. Harvey at House #156 FOUND One Whirlwind Ronson lighter. Owner please apply to the desk at Hotel Terrace and identify same. FOUND Ft the Hellowe'en Ball. One Ladies? Wrist Weteh end One Ronson Lighter, Owners please apply to Recreation Office, FOR SLE 1941 Chevrolet Coach in good running order, Price reasonable, Apply to House Page 4 The regular cub mecting will be held on Friday at 6:30 p.m. ALL cubs to be present as we have some important news, The regular meeting of the first Terrace Bey Troop Boy Scouts will be held in the Legion Hell at 6:45 p.m. on Friday night. i11 Seouts are urged to be present to welcome John Boudreau into the Troop, Patrol Leader Doug Smith hes qualified for his Second Class Badge and this Badge will be ewarded during the meeting. Plens will -lso be mde far a hike this Saturday and the order forms from the sale of Christmas ecards will be sent out, «a prompt delivery of the ecards is promised. o-0-0 Editor's Note: - Things, in gmeral, haven 't Clenrea up very mich. However, this latest letter from Clem has the germ of on idee. in it. Somehow, we are beginning to suspect that this space in *THE TERILCE BLY NEWS" is being used for some cark purpose other then a pen-pals corner. «S we are most anxious to see where this whole thing will lead to, we again print the lntest letter. Rurel Route 1, Thursday, 1950. Dear Hiram: I shurc was glad to get your last letter and also the poster thet the Canadian Legion have put out, Do you think thet those fellers are premotin' e plowing match for me fer waen 1 come up thetawey? You tell them to make it good because Maw says she'd shure like to see some of you pulp fellers cushin' a plow, But, Hiram, you never made mention of thet there plot of lend up t' South Camp. I'm jest a-ichin' to quarter my livestock up there. I was talkin* to « feller down here ttother day and he seys- thet they have middlint fair querters up t' the North Cemp. also, he told me thet from whet he saw of the place, lots of farmers live up there too. But, Hirem, you keep pushin' those Legion Fellers and you tell them thet they can address the next poster to you and thet you'll send it on to me. Yours truly, Clem. P.S.-Maw says thet Nellie would shure sppre- 105. cinte some pickled eggs end pickled pigs hocks the night thet we arrive there,