ms LATER TH'N YOU THINK?! LaAtcr in the year thet is, we moan, we are going to do anything about Curling this winter, now is the time to get together and lay some plans for the coming soason, is most of last yonr's curlers are aware, we must clect a new Bxecutive to guide the club through the long winter that is almost upon US. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th, at 8:00 P.M, is tho date and time sect for the Annual General Mesting to be held in Teen Town Club Rooms, Come on gang, let's get bohind this meeting -nd hve x good turn-out of all those interested, The more work that wo do now, the more time we'll have later on to enjoy cur- sclvos, a 0-0-0 H,LLOWE'EN MASQUERUDE Bi.LL Well, folks, in just ono more week it'll be October 27th, the night of the big Heallo- we'en Masquerade. Have you got your costume yet? If you haven't a costume and don't intend dressing up for the ovent, we'll you a mask and ea paper hat at the door, Joe .damo has picked « very nice sclec- tion of music for the dance, ineluding specicl numbers for the Charleston nnd Jive Contest, .. Snack Ber will be sot up in Teen Town to serve Pop, Cigarettes, etc, Hore's a reminder to call of the holders of the Baseball Club draw. The winning ticket will be drawn at this dance, give o-0-0 ANOTHER KI".NIS SERVICE "Dt. Be N. Wright of Port ~rthur, Ryo, Ear, Nose and Thrort specialist, will be at the Terrace Bry school on October 28th, and 30th, at 9:00 a.m., undor the auspices of the local Kiwanis Club for the purpose of examining our children, Dr, McCausland has alrendy picked - number of children for examinction and parents will be notified, any parent suspecting their children of having Natubtive hearing or vision are re- questod to contact Dr. McCausland immediately. Note to parents:- There will be ebsolutely no. Chaves for this service. o=-0-0 FOUND Ring of seven keys. On the short-cut hill between the C.P.R. Station and the end of Selkirk iz.venue, ipply to Reercation Office. o-0-0 FOR S.LE Household articles. apply to Jack O'Connor -t House #36, Pine Crescent, 0-0-0 in Be 5 Editor's Notes 'le roeeived mnother lettor? This sort of thing is getting monotonous, It wouldn't be too bad if tho letters wore addressed to us, but as, it is we soem to be mcrely the little Reon ees Yo are getting confused, irentt you?? However, here is the latest arrival end ae soon 2s we find out where Hirem works we'll suggest to his Boss thet we change jobs. Rurel Route No. 1 Thursdey, 1950. Denr Hiram: Land-O-Goshen, wh.t do you mean thet the mean wontt sell?? Did you tell him that the durn pleee isn't good for enything oxcept reaisin' crops ten stuff? .nd you say he don't went cows in his bowling -lleys! Did you tell him that they won't make noar as much noise as thet big fcller did last year when he hit himself on the back of the head with the Ball? Now, Hiram, I wnt you to tell him about Maw. Toll him how shets got her henrt sot on comin' to the South Camp,--7nd you know Maw,--Mind the time she put the wallpaper in the hen house and ell the oggs had thet there flower design on them?? znd Hiram, you go tell the Canadian Logion about me, and Itll bet they'll do somethin', I heard ttother day thet the pulp mill up there is a-runnin' full blast, but I cnain't soom to understand this hore shift work idear, Do the follers shift from 2 shovel to a rake every so often? Or do they shift the mill about? {11 our kinfolk are here tonight and there's n feller here with a fiddle who is a-squeakin' and a-squakin', His foot is e-poundin' the floor so hard thet I can hardly think. So, Hiram, use all your powcr up there and you'd better hurry too, beenuse we is aimin' on comin' not later than November the 24th. Yours truly, Clem. 0-0-0 L£RMISTICH BALL An armistice Ball will be held on the evening of November 10th in-the Recreation Hall, dancing from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. The music will be by ..damo orchestra. Dress will bo somi-forml. Refreshments nnd ecat checking will be handled by the Boy Scout Leadors with proceeds going to the Boy Scout Fund, There will be a Balloon Dance with a prize for the lady with tho last Balloon, Thore will also be paper hats for cveryone along with streamers, There will be nc Square Dances. Admission will be; couples $1.75, Singles, »1.00. Presented by Local 665, Reereation Committee,