Wer: ie y wy comocactnideg i Me \ £ ; . On Sunday September 10th, the morning service in the Community viaurch will be held at 11 am, with the Minister in charge. Mr, Lavender has chosen as his subject, "The Church - A Service Station." The Sunday School will re-open its sessions on Sunday morning at 9:30 with the newly appointed superintendent, Mr. A. Driffield presiding. It is hoped that all teachers and scholars will be present. The topic for the evening service will be "The Heritage of our Hymns." -O- The Choir will hold its first Fall practise in the Church on Friday evening, Sept. Sth at 7:00 pm, All interested in singing with the choir are cordially invited. -O--- The Ladies! Auxiliary will hold their September me pm. in the Church, This is to be Weleome Meeting so every old member make an effort to bring along some new member on eye a a BADMINTON CLUB NEWS Wednesday, Sept. 13th is the opening nite of the Badminton season. The courts have been re-surfaced and painted and we are proud owners of new nets and standards so this year promises to be a really good season for the Club. New members are very welcome and those interested in learning the game are asked to turn out Wed, nite. The Tournament for the permanent North Shore League which includes Marathon, Schreiber, and Terrace Bay, will start on the first Wednesday in October, so everyone interested in getting into the tournament is urged to start practicing right at the beginning of the season. One court will be set aside for a series of Round Robin games to de¢ide who will re- present our Club in the North Shore League. At an Executive mecting last Wed, night, it was decided to have colours for the Club - Maroon and Grey were the colors chosen. Ray Wright is looking into the possibility of getting "T" shirts and crests for the Club members. be | LO ee a eting on Monday, llth at 8:00 weatherman, Terrace Bay . page "2 ARE YOU GOING TO BOWL THIS WINTER???? If so, you had better get your team or individual entry in real soon. The deadline for entries has been extended until Tuesday noon, September 12th, due to this past weekend being a holiday. Bowling Executive advises that they have plans to get all leagues going on their schedule during the week of September 18th. When the team entries reach 16 in both the Mixed and Men's Leagues, no more will be accepted, so better get in there early and don't be disappointed. "Ove JAMBOREE WAS HUGE SUCCESS With wonderful assistance from the 's celebration of Labour Day was a tremendous success. Slated to start at 9:30 am. the children's events were a little late in getting underway, how- ever by 2:00 pm. the events were clicking off right on schedule. A great amount of emphasis was placed on Kiddies' everts and they co-operated 100% by participating in everything that was scheduled for them, All the way through from the Diaper Derby to the events for boys and girls up to 17 yrs, of age, there was plenty of competition for the swell prizes that had been selected for all winners. In the adult. svents, the Townsite folk showed that they are no slouches in getting in there when tne chips are down. The Tug'O'War Contest, which was won by the Athletic Club when they ouvut-pulled Pulp Conversion, proved to be one of the day's highlights along with the Ladies! Softball game, Terrace Bay also won that game by a score of 16-7. The Boxing and Gymnast exhibitions were a fitting climax to the day's programme. In the evening the Recreation Hall was crowded with couples dancing to the melodic strains of some top-flight dance music being supplicd by Joe Adamo and the Your a "local orchestra, All in all, the day was a tremendous success, enjoyed to the limit by everyone. (continued on page 4)